Chapter 3

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I was floating on mid-air in a lying position with my hands behind my head. It's already 11:50 in the evening. I just talked to Bonnibel back in Candy Kingdom.

I just couldn't stop thinking...

Oh man, Marcy's probably thinking of how a big jerk I am. Well, I was only playing around. Was I really that obnoxious back there?

...wait. WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING?! Oh c'mon! YOU'RE MARSHALL LEE, THE VAMPIRE KING! Everybody's inferior compared to you! You were supposed to do all that.

But... there's something to this girl. Something even Marshall Lee couldn't cope up with. I don't know. Maybe it's because she's a vampire, like me. Or maybe it's the way she stares at me or shouts at me. To sum it all up... it's just her, just the way she is. She makes me feel alive again... Glob.

• • • • • •

Marshall had the urge to see Marceline, and so he did. As he made his way to the cave, he saw Marceline sitting below a tree nearby. Quietly, he floated and hid behind the tree.

After a few seconds, Marceline stopped playing. She was puzzled. She picked up a familiar scent. "Marshall, I know you're in there!"

Marshall then floated from where he was hiding.

"What are you doing here?" Marceline asked, clearly a bit upset.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Leave me alone Marshall. I'm never letting you stay here."

"Geez, I get it. I already talked to Bonnie, and she has some men working on my house near the woods." Marshall explained as he sat beside Marceline.

"Really? You're so pathetic. You're only staying here until the portal's fixed, but you still have Bonnie made you a house? What the heck." Marceline cackled.

"What am I supposed to do? I had to find a place to stay." Marshall blurted.

"Yeah, but you didn't really have to have someone build you a house." Marceline laughed.

(MARSHALL'S POV) Her laugh. It's making me crazy. Man, I can't even picture myself right now. Marshall Lee has never ever felt this way.

"Man, are you okay?" Marceline asked.

"I'm fine, why?" Marshall said as he pulled a long face.

"You're not yourself. It seems like you're bothered or something."

"Am not!" Marshall denied.

"Aww, Marshall Lee is mad!"

"I'm not mad."

"You look cute when you're mad."

(MARCELINE'S POV) Wait, what?! O.O

(MARSHALL'S POV) Did she actually say that?

"I'm not cute!" Marshall blurted. He got up and slowly, he pulled his shirt up and revealed his six pack. "You call this cute? I believe the proper adjective for that is... sexy," He joked, flashing a dirty smile and revealing his perfectly shaped fangs.

Marceline was dumbfounded as she saw Marshall's abs. She blushed as she was lost in words. After a few seconds, she finally scoffed, "Ew man, you're gross! Put your shirt back on!"

"Why would I? I know you like what see." Marshall teased.

"Shut up!" Marceline blurted. She reached for Marshall and pulled his shirt back down. They shared a good laugh, and sat back down below the tree.

(MARCELINE'S POV) Wow. I've got to admit, he's one cool guy. It's like, it's like... it's like he takes my loneliness away.

"Man, you're actually not bad," Marceline remarked.

Marshall Lee looked at her, and faced away. He smiled and said, "Not bad?" He took Marceline's ax bass, strummed a few chords, and began to do a rap.

"Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin', sending everyone running like children? I know why you're mad at me. I got demon eyes... and they're looking right through your anatomy, into your deepest fears."

Marceline's eyes widened as Marshall spoke the last sentences.

"Baby, I'm not from here, I'm from the Nightosphere. To me, you're clear... transparent. You've got a thing for me girl, it's apparent."

Marceline was impressed. "Whoa, you're pretty good. So you're a bad little boy, eh?" She smirked.

"Did you think I was lying?" Marshall continued, "I said I'm evil without even trying, already dead so I'm not scared of dying. Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting, you think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding. I raise the dead up and they do my bidding. Girl, I'm a thousand years old, I'm a riddle. Bad little boy, yes, I'm bad but not little."

Marshall slowly sat back down as he rapped the last sentence. Marceline clapped. "Marshall, that was cool, you're actually cool. That rap was amazing."

"It's something I do when I'm alone... and I've always been alone," Marshall replied. His emotion seem to slowly change.

Marceline was silenced.

(MARCELINE'S POV) Alone? This guy's words hit me hard. He's just like... me... alone, all alone.

"You're unusually nicer than the first time we met," Marshall broke the silence.

Marceline tried to brush off the awkwardness. "Sorry, it's just that..."

Marshall raised an eyebrow, waiting for Marceline to finish her sentence.

"It's just that... I never thought you'd feel lonely. To be honest, I feel you. I guess loneliness is something even the vampire king or the vampire queen can't handle. I'd be out here at times like this so I could, you know, let my feelings out. I hate it. I hate how I feel so alone even when I'm in a room full of people. It makes it even more irritating."

(MARSHALL'S POV) Wow. I actually feel the same way. It's like loneliness is consuming the both of us. But it doesn't have to be this way...

"Well, you'd better get going. The sun's coming up," Marceline interrupted the silence.

"I guess I should be. See you later!" Marshall waved and floated away.

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