33 The Car Hit The Road Just Like That

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Editor: FirstPersonNarrator

At the end of the banquet, inside the private room was a scene of people passing out from drunkenness, there were barely people who could maintain their consciousness and support those brothers leaning unsteadily from side to side out. Ye Chenglin was drunk to the point of not knowing anything and because he had to catch the train tomorrow morning, without any better option his girlfriend had to ask two waiters to take him to a taxi and send him back to the hotel first.

Han Dong had left early, almost no one knew when he had gone.

On the streets of Beijing during the winter on the twelfth lunar month, Han Dong clutched a rope and cried bitterly. The alcohol had gone up his brain, his mood became more and more uncontrollable and he ran like mad on the streets, and boldly tore off his clothes. From his jacket to his wool sweater then to his T-shirt, from his trousers to his sweatpants then to his long underpants......

Indeed worthy of being an extra, venting all his emotion to the max.

If this was paired up with a segment of sad background music and placed in the "breakup scene" of any idol drama, you could move a large number of those crazy fans.

At this moment, Zhong Ding Company held a "film and television night" themed event in the luxurious hall of a five-star hotel.

In addition to Zhong Ding's all-stars luxury lineup, there were hundreds of important guests and celebrities from the film industry. Media reporters crowded the hotel's door, not even one drop could trickle through, there were flashing lights one after another. On the red carpet leading to the central hall, the limited edition sports cars made a public appearance, celebrities and supermodels walked on the same runway, competed with each other in looks of beauty and glamour.

Li Shang joined hands with several newcomers and together they made their debut on the red carpet, although their reputations were low, there were many reporters falling over each other in their eagerness to take pictures of them. With countless camera lens aimed at him, Li Shang finally understood why so many people wanted to be a star.

In such a place where big names gathered, the seating was arranged very carefully.

The first five rows consisted of people in the media, the sixth to eighth row consisted of the giants of Zhong Ding Film and Television Company, from the ninth row on consisted of the celebrities under contract. From the moment Li Shang walked in, just seeing the row with the poster of superstars stick onto the seats already made him feel somewhat dizzy.

Finally, Li Shang found his seat.

"Eh? I'm not in the last row?"

Could it be that there were people who were even lower ranked than they were? Li Shang curiously looked back and found a certain familiar actor, it seemed like she was very famous three years ago then, later on, vanished without a trace.

Pan Song who sat next to Li Shang whispered to him, "Those are the people who belong to the 'cold palace'."

(T/N: 冷宮 = in ancient time the cold palace is the place where concubine that has lost the king's favor was banished to. Interesting fact, the Wang in Wang Zhongding mean King)

Li Shang had heard of this particular "section," almost all of them had provoked a high ranked senior and were given the cold shoulder by the company, if their contracts weren't expired they couldn't jump ship, they could only watch their popularity run out. Most of them were reluctant to take part in events like this, therefore a lot of the seats in the last row were empty.

Li Shang glanced at the seat diagonally behind him there were three huge bare words------ Tao Yunyun

In the beginning the company who managed Tao Yunyun wasn't Zhong Ding, because she borrowed Wang Zhong Ding to promote herself, Feng Jung bought her with a high price to come over to the company and also had her sign a 5 years contract. The best years of youth to gradually rise up to become a star, at once was ruined by one unpublished press release.

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