69 This Is My Life root

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Translator: Polarbearadise

(T/N: Life root = the source of life or energy)

Because the Chinese yew is a first-class endangered protected plant in China, the country has explicitly prohibited transplantation or logging, therefore the loss of Chinese yew cannot be reported to the police and can only be investigated by manpower within the company.

"On the night of the 3rd, the monitor was completely disabled and did not return to normal until the next morning. We suspect that the thief committed the crime during this time." Er Lei said.

Wang Zhongding asked: "Have you collected the fingerprints on the monitor?"

"No fingerprints were found on the operators, monitoring probes and iron gates in the monitoring room. Not only were there no fingerprints, but there were not even suspicious footprints. I think the perpetrators should have coveted it for a long time and planned it carefully. "

Feng Jun couldn't help but chimed in: "Since he stole the tree trunk, it must be transported out. What about the gate? Have you investigated the situation at the gate?"

"The monitoring equipment at the gate at the same time was normal. It was late at night and there were very few vehicles entering or leaving the gate. We searched several cars one by one and found no trace of the trunk. "

Feng Jun was puzzled, "Is there any other passage beside the gate? There are alarms all over every wall of our company, not to mention carrying a tree trunk, which is hard to leap out with bare hands. "

"I suspect that this tree trunk has not been transported out yet." Er Lei hit the mark with his statement.

Unfortunately, it was instantly rejected by Feng Jun, "Since the planning is so thorough, the transportation problem will certainly be considered. I don't think that the tree trunk is still in the company. I suspect there is someone provided support from the inside."

When they heard of the words "inside job", a figure flashed in the three people's heads at the same time. Noting can be done, who let that certain someone to like taking actions at night and had a bad record of stealing cans?

Thus, Er Lei stated the truth again, "Could it be Han Dong?"

Unexpectedly, Feng Jun rejected once again, "A person who even needs to pack and send out snacks, would have long run off with the money after stealing such a sky-high price tree trunk, would he still stay here well-behaved?"

"It should not be him......" Wang Zhongding also agreed on the side, "He has no reason to steal the tree trunk. If he was really short of money or wants to brew mischief, he could have stolen the watches."

The office fell into silence and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

Wang Zhongding was first to speak: "Forget it, go on with your business. We'll discuss it again later."

As soon as Feng Jun and Er Lei went out, Wang Zhong Ding dialed Dan Dong's number.

"Come to my office."

Every time he went to see Wang Zhongding, Han Dong would do a lot of preparation on the way, thinking about what expressions would provoke disgust, what actions would attract dislike, and what words are cause irritation......Therefore, every time Wang Zhongding saw Han Dong, he had on an appearance of an indecent licentious, who doesn't greet nor glanced at him, and went straight to the sofa and sit down as if it was a matter of course.

"There will be a signing ceremony in the next few days. You will also have to attend and prepare a decent suit yourself......"

Wang Zhongding was abruptly interrupted by Han Dong before he could finish speaking.

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