Chapter 2

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A/N: once again guys, this can be triggering to someone who sensitive to this kinda stuff. If you're sensitive to anxiety, bullying, mental bullying, or have PTSD then please be careful reading this!!

Johannes ended up running into class, but faster than usual. He sat in his usual seat in the very back corner of the class and pulled his hood up, trying to slow his breathing and stop shaking. Why didn't Jonas hit him? Why did he act not like the other bullies? Was he just trying to catch him off guard? You know the answer Eckerström.....he was playing nice and preparing to beat you....what did you ever do to deserve any kindness at all? He scolded himself, and he knew it was true. No one was ever kind to him, why did he deserve any from Jonas?

His thoughts were interrupted when he sensed a presence close to him, and he instinctively froze up and prepared himself for a punch. But it never came. The presence stayed, but no physical blows ever came. Johannes glanced out of the corner of his eye, and who he saw made his heart stop.


Terror surged through him, even though Jonas wasn't even looking at him. He was just...sitting there....not taunting him or anything. He simply sat there minding his own business, and maybe, just maybe, he hasn't noticed him yet. Just wait Eckerström, and he'll attack you out of nowhere and beat you, just like everyone else......he thought, then pulled his hood more over his face. No matter how different from the other bullies Jonas seemed to be, Johannes just wouldn't allow himself to believe it. The instant he let his guard down, or let himself open up even a little bit to Jonas, or even let himself be physically close to him, Jonas would turn on him and beat and torment him just like everyone else, he just knew it.....

"Alright class, we've got a new student! Jonas, stand up and tell us a bit about yourself," the teacher said, and Johannes was instantly filled with dread. He senses Jonas standing up, and he scooted his desk closer to the wall and refused to look up at him. Jonas could so easily just lunge at him and beat the living shit out of him just like everyone else, but again, he didn't. In fact, he didn't speak or move at all. Johannes slowly looked up, and Jonas was looking right at him. Johannes instantly froze up in fear, unable to tear away his gaze. Jonas sweetly smiled at him, sending more terror through him. Johannes stayed frozen in place, and Jonas stayed exactly where he was, then finally looked to the front.

" name is Jonas Jarlsby and uhh.....I just moved here....," Jonas's voice was so soft and sweet-sounding, startling Johannes so much he nearly fell over in shock. Why didn't Jonas yell or raise his voice at all? That's what everyone else does, just because everyone knows Johannes panics really badly over even the slightest raised voice. But that wasn't the strangest part.

Jonas looked over at Johannes again, and he looked almost.....concerned? He definitely saw Johannes cowering like a terrified kitten in the corner, then Jonas immediately asked if he could sit down, then did before the teacher even answered. Did he just.....sit down because he saw me panicking? Johannes thought, but his depression instantly shot it down. No fucking way Eckerström, he couldn't care less about you! It was just a coincidence, he doesn't care about you at all! I bet if he knew loud voices freaked your pansy ass out, he'd yell every chance he got......Johannes looked away again. His anxiety was rising faster than ever, and if he looked at Jonas one more second, he was sure he'd have yet another panic attack.

Class went on as usual; the bullies taunting Johannes as soon as the teachers back was turned, having spitballs spat at him, and the bullies intentionally yelling in random bursts and making Johannes freeze up, as if stunned. He heard the bullies whispering to Jonas, about how he shouldn't be around Johannes, about how he can beat him as bad as he wants and Johannes is too weak and scared to fight back, that he was literally the bullies' punching bag. Johannes worked up the courage to look over, just barely, and Jonas was......shoving the bully away. He was telling the bully he refused to hurt Johannes, and was actually threatening to hurt the bullies if they even landed a hand on Johannes.

All Johannes could do was look at him dumbfounded. Why put this much effort into trying to get him to trust him? What was his motive? What was he planning? Before he could think much longer, Jonas actually got up as one of the bullies made his way over to Johannes, and Jonas actually shoved him away. The bully smirked and yelled, and the instant the loud sound traveled through the air, Johannes froze up instantly. Jonas saw him and started to walk towards him, and Johannes felt his heart race and his breathing pick up. He instinctively braced himself for a hit, but instead a small piece of paper was placed on his desk, followed by Jonas sitting in a desk closer to him.

Johannes picked up the paper with shaky hands, and slowly unfolded it to reveal a small note, and in that instant more panic surged through him. Instantly, he looked around, expecting someone to come up to hm while he was momentarily distracted to punch him, but no one was near him for once. He slowly read the note, at the same time glancing around everywhere, looking around constantly for several minutes before finally allowing himself to look away and at the note:

My name is Jonas, as you already know. I can tell you panic easily and I'm in no way trying to freak you out, and I promise you I'll never hurt you if that's what you're so afraid of. I'd like to be your friend, if you'll let me.

In that instant, Johannes was thrown into a severe panic attack. It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap, he's gonna beat the shit outta you!! Jonas looked up at him, but Johannes was already running out the door.

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