Chapter 3

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Jonas chased after Johannes without even thinking. Something in him just told him to go after him, to calm him down and make sure he's ok. He could tell Johannes had been thrown into a panic attack and that's why he ran, but he wanted to help him. If Johannes would let him.

He watched Johannes bolt into the bathroom, then he skidded to a halt at the door. He didn't just run right in after him, he knew that would make Johannes panic more and think he was being cornered and about to be attacked. He stayed at the door for a minute, and he could hear Johannes's rapid breathing and repetitive phrases of 'don't hurt me' and 'please let his hell end.'

After a few minutes, he slowly walked inside, and the sight before him made his heart break. There was Johannes, cowering away in the corner shaking like a leaf and hyperventilating and constantly trying to cover himself, like he was expecting be hit or kicked. He didn't dare move any closer, afraid to make him even more panicked. It took him a minute to notice Jonas was there, but once he did, he looked at him with a look of pure fear and cowered helplessly against the wall like an abused dog.

"Hey hey it's ok...," he keeps his voice low and calm, trying not to incite any more fear in him, but even so he still doesn't relax one bit. Johannes watches him closely, like he's waiting for Jonas to just pounce on him and beat the living hell out of him, but Jonas knows in his mind he'd never do that. Johannes, however, clearly doesn't.

"L-leave me alone!! Don't hurt m-me!!" Johannes finally spoke, his voice full of terror as he tried to back away more. Jonas froze, not moving an inch closer. Johannes trembled even more. "I won't hurt you it's ok....just calm down...," Jonas tried again to speak to him, this time taking a small step closer.

Johannes's breathing got even faster, then for a moment he stopped shaking, then his eyes rolled back and he collapsed. Jonas caught him and scooped him up in his arms before he hit the ground. He's so lightweight..., Jonas thought as he held Johannes. Yes he was tall, but he still felt unnaturally lightweight. He didn't focus on that thought long, however. His thoughts were interrupted by Johannes starting to tremble and whimper, like a rescue animal having night terrors. Jonas sat down with Johannes still in his arms.

"'s're safe now...," Jonas spoke with a quiet and calm, voice, hoping that would help calm him, since he seemed so scared of loud voices earlier. Johannes kept trembling and whimpering like a puppy with night terrors. Jonas kept him close and stayed sitting against the door so no one would come in and scare him even more than he already was.

He moved Johannes's hair out of his face, and he had to double take at the sight. His face was incredibly pale, so pale the blue outlines of veins were clearly visible up his cheeks and forehead. The fact his hair was black made him look even paler. Jonas gently pressed his hand against his cheek, then immediately pulled it back. He was freezing cold! He felt his forehead, and was surprised to feel it was cold too. Jonas quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around Johannes, who flinched bad at first, but slowly relaxed.

He's sick....and scared...., Jonas thought to himself. He can't stay here, it just freaks him out.....Jonas stood up, making sure he didn't make any loud noises that could scare Johannes more, and carried him out of the bathroom. He was still completely out, but he was trembling slightly less. It started again, however, when several older kids made their voices heard.

"You're helpin Vampire?! He'll bite you, you gotta put a muzzle on him!!"

"Look at the big wimp, he's shaking like a leaf!!"

"Bringin Vampire out for us?! Thanks a bunch, we'll let you have first punch!!"

"Hey thanks for bringing it out for us!! Stupid thing is too much of a pussy to face us alone!!"

Jonas ignored them all and ran out the door, not stopping running until he nearly collapsed. He couldn't let those kids have or even be near Johannes, especially when he's in this state. He carried Johannes all the way back to his house, immediately locking the door behind him and carrying him up to his room.

Johannes seemed to relax slightly now that the bullies were no longer near, but he didn't stop completely. Jonas carefully set him on the bed and quickly ran to get some water and another blanket for him. The instant he put the blanket over him, Johannes flinched so bad he nearly fell off the bed. Jonas quickly caught him and kept hm in place. "'s won't be hurt here....," Jonas spoke softly and calmly, being very careful not to raise it and scare him.

After a minute, Johannes relaxed a little more. Jonas waited a minute, then carefully adjusted the blanket so it covered him. He started to stand up, then noticed his arm was sticking out and hanging off the side. As he moved it back, he noticed a bandage sticking out of the sleeve. Curiosity taking over, he gently pulled at the bandage. It came out about an inch before Johannes's other hand shot out and grabbed Jonas's hand, making him stop and jump in shock. He looked up, and a beyond terrified Johannes was sitting up and staring back at him.

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