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I laid on Kellin's floor and casually texted Jaime, who I had actually been texting the entire night. I couldn't explain it, I just felt so... giddy when it came to Jaime. We had been talking for a week or so now and I felt so nice about it all. Everything did feel like it was moving a bit fast, though. Almost every night he would bring the conversation to sex. I wasn't a virgin or anything and had sexted in the past, but doing it with Jaime felt weird. I had only just met him and, no matter how many sweet things he said to me, things still felt a bit off sometimes.

"You kill me," Kellin spoke up. He threw a pillow at me and pouted with a quick crossing of his arms.

"How? What did I do?" I got up from the floor to sit with Kellin on his bed. It wasn't often he and I were over his house, but when I was over here it felt nice; it was just me and him, although I will admit I was not paying too much attention to him right now.

"All you do is text Jaime. What do you guys even talk about?" Kellin rested his head on my shoulder and huffed.

"Different stuff, I guess," I wondered. What did we talk about? Our conversations were mainly Jaime flirting and me passing it off. "Like, I don't know. He turns it all sexual and stuff,"

"So, do you like that then?" Kellin asked. I could see a flash of unease run across his eyes, but he still tried to act as interested as he could when it came to Jaime. Or maybe he was too interested?

"Sometimes, but not all the time," I looked down at my hands that were getting a bit cold. Kellin didn't like the heat too much so he always kept his room cold. It was the only downside of being in here with him. "It's weird,"

"What do you mean?" Kellin grabbed my hands and instantly I felt the heat rushing back to my digits. My breath hitched, too.

"The way he puts things, I like it a lot sometimes, but other times I just feel... out of place?" I felt like an idiot for telling Kellin this because I had a feeling I was about to hear 'I told you so," but it never came. Instead, Kellin hit me with two simple words:

"I understand," It was silent for a little while.

"That's it? I was expecting you to say 'I told you! I'm always right!' or something like that," Kellin shook his head with a low chuckle. I couldn't help but smile at it and watch as he let go of my hands-- they went cold again soon after.

"V, I can't tell you what to do. I just want you to be careful," I smiled at him genuinely. With such small sentences, Kellin could make me feel more comfortable and relaxed than anyone could. It was obvious to me that my crush for him was only expanding and I don't know what to do. Every conversation I have with him my heart flutters and my palms sweat. I feel like a brand new person, but just because I have one stupid crush doesn't mean that I can go and treat people unfairly: Jaime.

I felt a buzz in my lap.

Jaime: Do you want to go to Romance-Cliffs with me tomorrow night?

Jaime: I'm missing your smile.

With a quick glance at Kellin who was busying himself with his nails and relatively content expression, I typed my response.

Me: Sure. :)

Jaime: Great, baby. I'll see you at 7! xo



question: is this even worth completing?

my gut says yes, and i trust my gut 100%. No matter how many reads i get, i'm publishing this shit. 

i have other shit in my wattpad folder on docs and you better believe they're coming.


i'm sorry this is short. more tomorrow NIGHT. probably around 10pm est?

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