Forgiveness Hurts....

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     The lights came on. The spot light was on Harry. "Claudia. I really miss you. I can't take it anymore. Every night, I can't sleep. Just knowing I hurt you, was the thing that broke me apart. I lose myself in your eyes all the time. You are the most special thing that has ever happened to me. I have never been happier in my life, and I also have not been in love as much as I am with you. Whenever I think about or get close to you, I fall in love all over again. You are the thing that keeps me going everyday. I can't love without you any longer. I just want to see your beautiful smile again. Please just give me a second chance."

     The whole arena was quiet. Harry looked down to Claudia, and he waited for her answer. "NO." she said. Harry's eyes rolled down to look straight down at his feet. The audience just gasped in shock. All of the girls just stared at Claudia. She felt all of their eyes burning right through her. "No. I can't. It's not right. Why would I take you back? I really liked you, but you just took advantage of me. I can't trust you anymore. I'm sorry." Claudia continued.

     Harry stayed quiet. He didn't move a muscle until he felt Louis' hand on his right shoulder. Harry nodded then talked into the microphone again, "Claudia! I need you. I want you more than anything." "Do you literally think that you could make it up to me just by making a scene on stage?!" Claudia said angrily. "Um. No. But I love you, so please. Just give me one more chance. I'll take you on a date. And if you don't like it, then you won't have to go out with me anymore." Harry made the deal as Claudia thought about it for a while. Maddie elbowed her then whispered, "Hurry." "Okay. Deal Harry," Claudia said smiling to Harry.

     "Great! I promise you won't regret it!" Harry extaticly said. He turned around and the boys tackled him, and gave him a HUGE group hug. They released him and got ready to sing. They started to sing Gotta Be You. Claudia noticed in the middle of the song, Harry was winking at her. Claudia just smiled and continued cheering the 5 boys on.

     The concert ended at 12:00 am. From there Claudia started walking back to the car with Maddie until her phone rang. "Hello?" Claudia answered. "Um. Claudia. About that date. How's Saturday? At 7:00? You and me go dancing?" Harry asked. "Sure. But remember the deal! But I honestly think we will have a great time," Claudia spoke into the phone. "Okay!" Harry yelled exitedly. "Okay," Claudia chuckled. "Thank you so much. You won't regret it! I promise!" He said. "Ha! Ha! I know, I believe you. Cause' you said that already," Claudia said as she smiled to Maddie (Who was listening to the whole conversation)♥.

     After Claudia hung up, she asked Maddie, "Was this your guys little secret?!" "What?" she said in a high-pitched voice, "Pssh! Ha!- Yeah!" she laughed. "Why did you do it?" Claudia asked shyly as she hopped into the passanger seat. "Because I have never seen you happier with anybody else," Maddie smiled. Claudia smiled then the whole ride back home was just pure silence. Claudia got home and fell fast asleep.

     The next couple of days passed by fast. The whole time she spent it texting the boys **except Harry** and the girls. She was actually getting nervous for the date.

     The day came. It was 6:00 pm. Claudia took a shower, blow dried her hair, curled her hair, then got ready. She found a light pink dress that flowed a bit above her knees. It had a bow in the center; just above her waist. She put on hert pearl earings and put on pearl colored heels. She looked like a princess. She put in a diamond burret in her curly hair. The doorbell rang. She put on some mascara and ran downstairs. She opened the door and saw the most handsomest guy ever. "Come In," Claudia said as she stepped a side. She walked to the staircase were Harry stood after she closed the door. Claudia smiled at him, and Harry frowned. "What?" Claudia asked. "Go back upstairs and get ready. Again," Harry replied. "Okay. First you hurt me, then you ask me to give you a second chance, and now you're telling me that I look bad?!" Claudia demanded angrily. "You didn't let me finish. Go upstairs, get ready, and be yourself. Like your hair. Go put it in a beautiful ponytail, how you always do. Those shoes, put on your favorite pair of flats. Take off your makeup." Harry said. He reached for the burret, "Don't put on things that you don't like. If you don't look like yourself, then I don't like it. I love you for you." Claudia smiled then walked upstairs.

      She pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She took of her heels, and put on her favorite pair of flats. She took off the mascara she had put on. She put on some Cherry Chapstick and walked back downstairs. "Better?" she asked. "WOW! You look so beautiful. You look like the Claudia I know and love," Harry said with a huge grin on his face. "Whatever!" Claudia said as she slightly punched Harry in the arm. "It's true!" Harry laughed as he rubbed his arm. "Yeah. Okay. So where are we going?" Claudia questioned. "Well I thought we could go dancing." Harry said with an even larger smile than before. "Sure," Claudia walked next to Harry to the black car. On the way to their date, they drove in a peaceful silence. Both Harry and Claudia love this time to think things through.

      When they arrived to the club, Harry pulled over and got out. He ran to the other side and opened the door for Claudia. Claudia walked by his side. They walked into the club. "Do you want to dance, or just sit for a while?" Harry asked. "Um let's just get some drinks, then we can dance," Claudia said pointing to the bar. They walked over to it and sat down. "What will you have?" the lady said winking at Harry. Claudia started laughing, as she could not hold back the thought of the lady and Harry. "I'll have a beer," Harry said not making eye contact. "And I'll have a coke," Claudia said smiling cheekily. The bartender brought their drinks as a song came on. "Oh. My. God. I love Warzone! It's my favorite song!" Claudia said. "Well let's go dance!" Harry jumped off his seat and took Claudia's left hand. They walked to the middle of the dance floor and started slow dancing. Claudia wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. Harry rested his hands on Claudia's hips. Then Nathan from The Wanted started singing.

~I can't believe I had to see the girl of my dreams cheating on me. The pain you caused has left me dead inside. I'm gonna make sure you regret that night~

They were slow dancing to the song. Harry had his chin on Claudia's shoulder and Claudia rested hers on his shoulder, too. Then the chorus began.

~But I know. I just gotta let go. I, should've known. I gotta learn to say goodbye now. I throw my armor down and leave the battleground. For the final time now I, I know I'm running from a warzone~

Harry got his chin off her shoulder and looked her straight in her eyes. Claudia smiled. Harry smiled then leaned in for a kiss, but he stopped right when they were about to touch lips. He stopped, looked down, and let go of Claudia. Claudia looked at him in confussion. Claudia walked over to him, and she raised his head with her hand under his chin. She kissed him. The rest of the night Claudia and Harry spent it dancing together.

     It was 2:00 am. The club was closing. Harry held Claudia's hand as they made their way back to the car. As they started driving back to Claudia's house Harry asked, "Why did you do that back there?" "I don't know," Claudia replied, "Why did you walk away?" "I just felt like you needed your space," Harry answered. "Oh. Well I don't appreciate what you first did, but I'm ready to move on and forget the past." Claudia said as she held on to Harry's hand. "Really?! Oh my god thank you SO MUCH!" Harry yelled. Claudia laughed. "I promise. You won't regret this. I love you so much," Harry said with a smile. "Aww. I love- Harry! WATCH OUT!!" Claudia yelled clentching onto Harry's hand.

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