hold me down

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"No. y/n I'm not going to a party with you and Jason." Christian replied.
"Why?" y/n asked. "Because I have homework." He lied. "Liar, you're just scared to let lose. It's really easy, come on." y/n give Christian the puppy dog eyes he usually couldn't resist but Jason was a good enough reason to not go to a party with y/n. "No. I want to have a quiet night home alone." Christian loved y/n and would do anything for her but this was just too much to be asked of him. "Alright I guess me and Jason we'll be all alone, all together. Alone." Christian turned around from his book shelf and stared at y/n with squinted eyes. He knew what she was getting at and he knew he couldn't have Jason and her alone. Together. Alone. "Fine. I'll go."
"Yay!" y/n ran up to Christian hugging him tightly, jumping around. Christian had made her very happy. Even though this would be a horrible decision in the end he still didn't want y/n and Jason together alone.

Party time. "Are you excited?" Jason asked wrapping his arms around y/n back, now holding her on to her stomach. "Totally!" She said looking at Christian and then sighed. y/n pulled away from Jason and ran over to Christian putting her arm around his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" "Um yeah I'm just a bit nervous, never been to a "party" before." Christian explained. Jason laughed and y/n rolled her eyes at him making Christian laugh. "You'll be fine just stay with me kid and you'll have fun." y/n smiled. The three finally made it to the party. Loud music filled their ears. The door was open so they walked right in. y/n grabbed Christian's arm and ran to some of her friends in the house's living room. "Guys, you remember Christian." There were three girls. A blonde one, a brunette, and a redhead. The redhead spoke. "Oh Chris, how's it going? Welcome to the party scene." "It's fine so far." Christian replied. Just as he answered her a cup of beer was throw at Christian's head. "Alright now it's not fine anymore." He said wiping the beer from off the back of his head. The music stopped suddenly. Christian looked pretty mad. "OK, who did it? Who throw a cup of beer at my head? Huh?" All everybody saw was a raised hand of non other than Jason Hunter. He walked out from the crowd at the door and now the twins were face to face. Everyone was confused. Were they going to fight? "I did. I throw the cup at your bobble sized head." Jason said while everyone laughed. "You think you're so funny? Don't you Jason." Christian said pushing Jason's chest. Everyone was shocked. Jason put his head down and laughed. All of the suddenly out of no where Jason throw a punch for Christian's right cheek but missed when Christian ducked. "Oh shit!" One kid said in the now crowd of people circled around Jason and Christian. "Alright come on Chrissy, show y/n what your made of!" Jason threatened. "I'm not going to hit you." Christian replied with angry in his voice. "Come Chris, y/n has never seen you when your mad, she doesn't know about-" Jason sentence was stopped by Christian punching him squared in nose. "Jesus Christ!" Jason said now his nose was bleeding. y/n ran to Jason picking him up taking him to the bathroom. "Have a nice rest of your party everybody." Christian said running out the door of house.

"Christian!" y/n yelled after him.
She grabbed his shoulder wiping him around to face her. "What?!" Christian said madly wiping his watering eyes. "What happened back there? Are you two okay?" y/n asked. "It's nothing don't worry about, okay?" "No it's not okay! Tell what happened?!" y/n was getting pissed. Jason ran out of the house and ran after the two. "Thanks for breaking my nose, Chris. I didn't think you had it in you." "You're welcome dumbass." Christian said rolling his eyes. "Wait. What's going on?" y/n asked again. "Nothing." Christian said. "Chris just gets a little mad sometimes when I do bad things. He hits me for my well being." Jason said laughing. "What the hell." y/n said. "He doesn't mean that and I don't do that so shut up. Jason knows how to push my buttons very well, he's had 17 years to learn." Christian said. "Ok well I'm not gotta ask, I'll see you guys at school. Bye!" y/n said. She kissed Christian's and Jason's cheeks. Then she walked the other way down the street to her house. The twins and y/n only lived a few houses down from each other. Christian and Jason walked back home. "Goodnight bloody nose." Christian said patting Jason on the back. "Night Angry." Jason said walking to his room closing the door. Christian sat on his bed wondering, did I scare y/n? Will she think of me the same? And with those thoughts he fell asleep.

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