Chapter 3

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Jimin's POV


Class is dismissed. Everyone's heading out for lunch and I'm still in my seat wondering if I should go to the rooftop or not. I know Jungkook didn;t mean what he said, but still, you can't take back what you say. As I stare into space someone taps on my desk. "Oh hey, Y/N." "Are you going to meet Jungkook?" I pause for a while before answering, "I guess I will. I can't escape it now that you're here" I let out a chuckle.

I took my time walking up the stairs leading to the rooftop. I twist the doorknob but suddenly let go.


"Jimin! Can you stop pestering me for once! I don't want to talk about it" he says pushing me to the side. "What kind of friend would I be for not caring? Do you know how hard it is to see you suffering in pain while I can't even do a single damn thing about it?" He sighs and looks away clenching his jaw hard. I slowly inhale, "Jungkook, you're my best friend, I jus--"GOD DAMMIT JIMIN. IT'S MY FUCKING PROBLEM. STOP BEING SO NOSY AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!" he breathed out heavily. I stood there in shock, gulping hard as I could not wanting to believe a single word that came out of his mouth. "Fine then if that's what you want goodbye." I turn around and walk away muting all the screams and cries from Jungkook. "JIMIN WAIT I DIDN--

I quickly shook my head and let out a breath. I turned the knob only to see Jungkook leaning against the edge of the balcony. I walk closer to him. I carefully studied his expression. His worried eyes closed shut as if someone glued them together. What are you thinking Jungkook? If you're going to ask forgiveness, you don't need to. I need you more than anyone else. Whatever you say and do that'll hurt me, I can withstand the pain. As long as you're here I'll continue to be your strength. "Hey Coconut Head," I said with a smirk. His eyes instantly open, "Hyung!" He pulled me into a hug, but I pushed him back. "I'm so sorry Jimin, I really didn't mean to I was just--"Hush boy. Don't worry about it. Just..whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'll listen." His eyes dart away, before he was about to say something, I interrupted him. "Jungkook I know you're struggling. Hyung knows, I can see it in your eyes. I want to help you but if you don't tell me anything then I'm just a useless--"DON'T, don't say that. Just you being here, being with me is comforting enough." "I understand but, we've been friends for so long yet I don't know anything about you, your past. Sometimes I get this feeling of you not wanting me by your side. It's like I'm a burden to you. Jungkook do you not trust me, even just a little bit?" "I trust you Hyung, I'm just scared that you'll leave me if you knew." "I promise to stay by your side. you can't get rid of me even if you wanted to."

After an hour of talking concludes with "And that's why father despises me. I basically murdered my mother", Jungkook hesitantly said. I just sat there with tears welling in my eyes. I pulled him into an embrace, "Jungkook , I'm so sorry. You kept it in for so long. I can't imagine what you've been through." Jungkook weakly smiles and says, "I have no other family, but you Hyung. You're my home. This is a selfish favor to ask, but please don't ever leave me.  I don't know what I would do with you. I was able to last this long because you stuck with me even though I didn't put as much effort into our friendship." I was crying a river while hiccupping his name. Who knew this innocent looking face had such a tragic past.

After the commotion died down Jungkook asks, "So earlier this morning, why were you with Y/N? You two seem close." "I didn't know she was at school, she was comforting me and gave me a shoulder to rest on. Why are you jealous?" I smirked. He lets out an awkward laugh, "No, I've seen her around quite often. She seems interesting." "Well she's a nice girl. I can see that she genuinely cares about the people around her. We should get to know her, I never see her hang out with people in class" "Okay, let's ask her to have lunch tomorrow" I give him a nod as we leave the rooftop heading back to class.

A/N: I didn't include Jungkook's backstory.So you're probably wondering why Jimin was sympathizing with Jungkook. Well, you'll have to wait until the later chapters! Next Chapter will be in Jungkook's POV and then back to Y/N.

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