Chapter 4

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I've been sitting in class listening to Mr. Lee's boring lecture for the past hour. I wonder why Jimin isn't back in class yet? Did he make uup with Bunny? Ahh you probably wonder why I always refer Jungkook as Bunny. Well doesn't he just resemble a cute little bunny? He reminds me of a bunny I used to have. With his big round eyes and cheeky little smile. I was so happy yet sad seeing him face to face this morning. We're in different classes so he never takes the time to notice me. All I can do is stare at him from afar. And for some apparent reason, all I ever do is dream about him being next to me. I just feel some sort of connection between us. We're both lonely souls just trying to find comfort in this dark world. At least he has Jimin to stay by his side. Me? I don't particularly have any close friends so I can't rely on anyone besides my brother. I just never clicked with anyone in school. No one bothers to ask how I'm doing and I could care less about their's. I don't mind being alone since I'm used to it. But sometimes it's a little too much. Ranting to Holly isn't enough, I need someone to tell me it's okay and everything is alright. I'm tired of living a dull life that's practically going nowhere.


The day is finally over. Time to head home. I check my watch to see it was only 6pm. It was still early, I thought. Maybe I'll head to the coffee shop and library. I make my way to the nearest coffee shop and order a caramel macchiato. I reach for the cup when suddenly another hand gently brushed against mine. "Ah sorry, you can have it first?" "Oh no it's okay you reached for it first," the stranger with a honey-like voice said. I look to my left and see Bunny boy giving a small smile and rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, Jungkook? What are you doing here? Where's Jimin?"


Jungkook's POV

"Hyung! Jimin! Jiminieeee! Please go with me, I want to get coffee!" "No Jungkook I have to go to practice. Get coffee by yourself. I promise we can go tomorrow okay?" He says with his back already facing me. "Bye Jungkook! Have fun!" Jimin says walking away giving me the deuces sign. I stand there crossing my arms, pouting to myself, "That mean Hyung, I thought he would go with me since we already made up", I muttered to myself. "It's so cold I want to get a hot cup of coffee", I thought to myself as I brought my hands to my mouth trying to gain some warmth.

I make my way to the coffee shop and ordered a caramel macchiato. I went to the restroom quickly washing my hands. Walking back to the counter, my coffee was already there. Wow, that sure was fast, I thought to myself. I reached for the coffee with my hands when suddenly it hovered over someone else's. I immediately retracted my hands. "Ah sorry, you can have it first?", she said. "Oh no it's okay you reached for it first," "Oh, Jungkook? What are you doing here? Where's Jimin?" I look up only to find the same girl who was with Jimin Hyung this morning. Tilting my head and trying to miracley figure out her name ,"He couldn't come with me today, he has dance practice" She slowly nods her head and proceeds, "You guys made up already, didn't you? I'm glad. I can see that Jimin sincerely cares for you. More than you think". I let out a small smile, "And I'm thankful for that. Say, I've seen you around before but we never had the proper chance to introduce ourselves". I reach out my hand, "I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you". Her soft gentle hand grasps onto mines, "Likewise, I'm Lee Y/N". We took a seat at the nearest table and chatted for a couple hours. We actually had a lot in common, we both live alone, love photography, and have a strong passion for music. I was surprised I never took the chance to talk to her. "Hey Y/N, Jimin and I were wondering if maybe you wanted to have lunch with us tomorrow at school?" I nervously asked. With a big smile, she replied,"Sure I'd love to!" she quickly states. "How can I say no to that Bunny smile?" I hear mumbling. "Bunny?" I questioned. "Ahh well, your features remind me of a bunny I once had." "Thank you, may I ask what happened to your bunny?" She glances down at the table, "Like any other form of life, they'll eventually see the other side right? I guess I didn't give him enough attention, I was too young to know what my responsibilities were" Her eyes finally meet mine, "I'm not going to make the same mistake twice, I actually have a dog now. Her name is Holly, she's a cute fluff ball and I care for her like she's my daughter". "I've never had any pets, so I can't relate. And I hope you stick to your words Y/N" What is this feeling? We're the same yet we're so different. Maybe are loneliness is bringing us together. I always catch a glimpse of sadness in your dark brown eyes everytime you turn away. What is it Y/N? Why do you look so uncertain of your future. I want to get to know you more. We're so blinded by the desire for attention we lose focus of what's around us. I hope I won't regret this decision by beginning to trust you. Please don't disappoint me. I don't want you or even Jimin to leave me like my father did.

A/N: I don't know where I'm going with this story. Does this even make sense? Haha

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