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"Ow, ow, ow... God..."

Gingerly, you lifted your sensitive body from what felt like a pile of bricks, raising a hand to your head to massage an aching temple. When you opened your eyes, all you could see dancing in your vision were splotches of black and white, a clear indication of being disoriented. Well, you didn't need a genius to know how stoned you felt, you were 90% sure you didn't smoke that night, though. Or get hammered, for that matter. You don't really drink much anymore.

You grimaced as you lifted yourself into a sitting position, just the slightest movement causing a pang of pain in your head. Once you were at least less dizzy, you surveyed your surroundings, and realized you were in the middle of the wilderness. It didn't appear to be any of the forests around your little town, as your didn't have any pine trees growing in your area, and you were surrounded by them in that moment. You realized you were sitting in a pile of rocks, which was smeared with a bit of your blood, bleeding out of a gash on your elbow. You sighed deeply and looked up, realizing you were beneath a cliff and must've taken a tumble.

But how did I get here in the first place? You wondered, but the thought only brought forth more questions. Maybe you did get drunk, wandering out into the wilderness is a thing your drunk self would do. But you weren't naked, considering your drunk self would also strip completely nude. No, you still had on your dad's letterman jacket and worn out boots. You had a headache like a bitch, but you couldn't really see any signs of you having been smashed. Smashed against a rock, but not smashed drunk.

You scratched your head in confusion, stumped as to what you should do. Well, guess I better take inventory of what I have on me, since I can't seem to figure out where I am. You thought, reaching into the pockets of your jacket, and finding a packet of spearmint gum. Better save that for later. You deduced, stowing it away safely for later consumption. You reached into your other pocket, and located your keys, which - other than having a small whistle and light attached to it - could be used as a weapon. You pocketed that and searched your jean pockets, coming up with some newspaper coupon clippings, 40% off on beer, buy one box of mac n cheese, get two more free! Yep, just goes to show you where my priorities lie. You rolled your eyes, tucking those away in case you needed to set them on fire or happen to run across a grocery store.

There was nothing else other than that, which was a bit disheartening, but it was better than nothing. It was rather dark, so you used the small light on your keys to illuminate the area around you, which was dim, but it still made a big difference. Your headache had at least cleared up a little, but you had to find something for the wound on your elbow, it had long since stained your jacket and inconvenienced you greatly.

"Hopefully I'm near a highway or something..." You muttered, shoving your free hand in your jacket pocket as you walked through the dark, quiet forest.

It was creepy just how quiet the place was, you were used to walking through dark forests, considering your night job and the route you took on your way to your house going through a large plot of trees, but it was never eerily silent like this. You wished you had your DVD player on you, so you could jam out to some Nirvana or something, anything to fill the silence. To compensate, however, you started humming some random tune that came to mind, quietly as to not attract unwanted attention.

Normally you'd think, well, shouldn't I call out for help? Someone might be around to assist me. But no, the last thing you wanted to do was put yourself out there to potential dangers, like animals and murderous rednecks. Besides, you'd look for help as a last resort, you could take care of yourself in the mean time. Your dad lectured you on eventualities exactly like these from the moment you could comprehend the concept of danger, so you were pretty sure you had the knowledge to tough it out for a while.

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