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Wilson didn't know how to react when he turned around and saw that you weren't there. He tried to find his way back to the hunting grounds, but he couldn't locate it, and he quickly realized that the landscape had changed.

"Stupid! Idiot!" He scolded himself, knocking the heel of his palm against his forehead. His shouting startled a flock of birds in the trees above, sending them fluttering away, but he continued to degrade himself. "She's in danger now!"

He sacrificed hours of work, abandoning all his projects, just so he could go out and try to find you. But every time, he always came back disappointed, and his hope begin to wane. Then, on his last trip to search for you, the scientist tripped over a blur of brown fur. He yelped as he hit the ground, rubbing his head in bewilderment.

"What on earth...?"

"Arf!" Barked the tiny creature nearby.

"AH!" He cried, pointing his spear at the creature with eyes full of terror.

The creature was round, with four stalky red legs and no visible eyes, and a pair of small horns at the top of its head. Its central body was where its mouth was located, and between its teeth it clutched...

"That's... Ms. (Y/N)'s jacket?!" Wilson breathed, looking between the jacket and the creature with wide eyes.

"Wuff!" Chuffed the creature, moving closer and dropping the jacket in his lap. Wilson grasped it, noticing that the once pure white of the torso was stained with something red - blood?

"Wuff!" The creature barked, catching Wilson's attention. It had scampered off a few feet, and was looking at him expectantly. In an instant, Wilson knew what it was trying to tell him, and he all but scrambled to his feet, chasing after the creature.

Terror coursed through the man's veins and his heart stopped when he saw you lying on the ground, covered in blood soaked bandages and paler than death. He wanted to throw up, he was so terrified, but the bile rising in his throat was choked back as he released a yell.

"Ms. (L/N)?!"

He dove to your side, studying your face with furrowed brows as the creature stood nearby, whining loudly. You were still conscious, but just barely, your eyes showing signs of recognition as you lifted up a weak hand to touch his face. You succumbed to sleep however, exhausted from blood loss and god knows how much walking you did in your condition. Your hand fell lip, hitting his chest and then falling to the ground.

Without a second thought, Wilson tucked one hand under your knees, and used the other to support your back before lifting you up with a bit of effort. He grunted and readjusted, then hurried off to the camp. The little creature that had led him to you, Chester, grabbed your forgotten jacket and followed after the man's rushed strides.

Wilson was under a strict time limit, he had nothing to heal such large wounds, but he did have thread, which he used to seal the opening and prevent further bleeding. He covered both wounds in salve to aid in the healing process - albeit slow - and changed the soiled bandages. By the end, he was exhausted, and it was dusk. He lit a fire, but didn't cook, he was too worried to eat. 

He constantly glanced at your form, sleeping fitfully on your bedroll while he prodded at the fire. He was confident your wounds would stop bleeding, but he was anxious about how you would recover. It could be rocky, if he didn't go about it the right way. Your brow was furrowed, sweat dripping from your pale face. He reached over a hand and pressed it to your forehead, seething as he felt how hot you were.

"Damn..." He muttered, reaching for your jacket and draping it over you. "Best to just sweat it out."

You groaned in your sleep, shifting uncomfortably, your face contorting into that of discomfort. Wilson furrowed his brow in worry, drawing his knees closer to his chest as he gazed back at the fire. He was just glad to have you back, he at least had you still alive, it was all he asked for.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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