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a/n; ok i couldn't let you guys wait any longer, and i was getting impatient too, so here's this. in this chapter, you DIE. (jk)


"Ha, wow! That was great!" Claire giggled as you exited the theater. "I think I cried when ET went home."

"Yeah, you were bawling." Shanon laughed, gesturing with her eyes to the tear stain on the shoulder of her blouse.

Clair smiled apologetically. "Sorry!"

You didn't say anything, just smiled contentedly and tucked your hands in your armpits to keep warm on the chilly night. The street was bustling with teenagers and young adults going to see a movie, they were doing a rerun of The Empire Strikes Back, so you could see some guys dressed up in cheap Storm Trooper costumes walking by as well. The three of you giggled about that and continued on your way.

"Hey, (Y/N), what are you doing later?" Clair asked, looking around Shanon's tall figure to see you.

"Uhh... I dunno." You lied, knowing full well what you were doing when you got home. Me, my best cocktail dress, and the local bar. Yep, Friday night here I come.

"Do you wanna come over and hang out later? I'll make dinner."

"Ah, no. I, uh, I actually have to work on my taxes tonight." You lied, again. I'm going to hell. You thought guiltily, but you played it off with a smile in your disappointed friend's direction. "Maybe next weekend."

"Oh, okay." She responded, still disappointed.

They didn't say anything else on the matter, but you could tell they were worried. They knew about your drinking problem, but could never muster the courage to intervene. You never told them about your dad issues, and somehow they also seemed to know about that as well, deep down.

You stopped in front of your apartment complex and waved at your friends. "Goodnight, thanks for the movie."

"No problem, thanks for the popcorn!" Clair waved.

"Be safe tonight, (Y/N)." Shanon said, her eyes heavy with sincerity.

Your smile faltered, and you nodded. "I will."

You unlocked the door and went inside, feeling heavy and emotionally exhausted. You didn't feel like going to the bar anymore, so you just grabbed a bottle of half finished wine from your fridge and drank straight from the source.


You stopped Chester's seeking when you noticed it was getting dark. The sun had long since ducked beyond the horizon, and at the time, you weren't aware of the danger, worse than the spider you'd encountered when you arrived to this godforsaken place. You worked in at a painfully slow pace, and even Chester looked nervous, his body quivering as he jumped at every little thing and helped you carry firewood back to your camp. You just raised a brow at him and shrugged him off, but you should've listened to the little voice in your head and sped up...

You knelt in front of your fire with kindling between two rocks. Chester let out a loud whine, and you glared at him over your shoulder. "Chester, hush! I'll get you something to eat in a second!"

The little creature didn't listen, just pawed at your shirt and looked at the dark woods nervously. You rolled your eyes with a sigh, shaking your head as you cracked the rocks together, trying to start a spark. Chester's constant whining was annoying, but you ignored it and kept striking the rocks together. You must've not been totally focused, as you accidentally smashed your thumb between the two rocks. You cursed loudly and stuck your bleeding thumb in your mouth, your tongue recoiling at the nauseating, metallic taste.

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