6) Howling

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 A Long Chapter


Derek Hunter

The day was creeping by slowly as Hunter listened to the sounds coming from the forest. Every sound was ominous and threatening. The shadows played tricks on his eyes, The Belleroses would be coming for him. They knew where he was now, which meant it wasn't safe here anymore. Hunter knew from past experiences that the shadows would turn into hunters to try their hand at killing him, but none came.


Night, the grumpy wolf spirit Hunter shared his mind and body with, was on edge.

Hunter shared his sentiment, something was wrong.

They'd checked for traps the night before, even evidence of will-o-wisps interference; something that would deter the Belleroses from pursuing him. Hunter found nothing, not even his obvious and bloody trail that should have lead right to Haven's backyard. It had all been erased, vanished, as if it had never happened. Even the damage from the trip wire was gone, not even the scent of his own blood remained or a felled treed with its mid-section blown to smithereens from the C4 trip wire he set off.

Hunter had some experience with witches, but nothing to the wild feel that vibrated through the trees. He was impressed at the power of whoever had swept all existence of that night from physical history. It couldn't be the rumored witches that worked under the Belleroses.

Could it?

Amongst all the worry, Hunter knew he could just leave and disappear. The family was all still away, and Hunter should have already left.

But he hadn't.

His head was laid on the shed's door guardrail, cushioned by a few blankets that were spilling out over the lip. Staring at the forest with a thoughtful glare. He'd intended on leaving the very first night after he caught his breath,

But he didn't.

For one simple reason,

Night howled for Haven. But hell, he hoped it didn't mean what he thought it meant. He would be damned if he had a male and human mate.

Besides, his parents had always told him it didn't happen that fast. It takes time and getting intimate with the person you're destined to be mated with. It's the reason werewolves are known to sleep around and have polygamous relationships, more so then mermaids. It's also the reason why Hunter wasn't as reluctant as he should be to follow most of Night's schemes.

Hunter didn't know this boy, they couldn't be mates, but Night wouldn't freak out for nothing, right? Hunter had no clue, he'd been on his own since he was ten maybe eleven, so he couldn't say for sure about anything that involved Night, the wolf part of him.

But, Haven did have that weird ability to understand Hunter, even if they couldn't talk. Hunter could tell by the way Haven looked at him and when they touched...

Night calmed at thoughts of the boy, though offered no explanation about the strange behavior; going quiet whenever pressed for more information. Hunter was curious, but he couldn't stay for much longer to calm his curiosity. He should have already left, he was putting Haven's family at risk the longer he lingered. He couldn't put Haven's family in danger, he'd made that mistake before.

If they really were mates, the best thing Hunter could do for Haven, was to leave.

Hunter's gaze turned back to the forest; his body was recovering quickly. If he left now he might be able to get back across the U.S. Canadian border before the Belleroses noticed and hide in the wendigo quarantine for a few weeks before contacting friends, Raegan was already waiting for him.

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