10) Father

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After two days, Haven was getting the hang of Sera's driving, or at least was learning to ignore his fear; like taking a bunch of rides on a roller coaster and learning the turns.

Sera pulled up to the line of black cars, Haven noticed there was one extra, and cut the engine. Haven moved to get out, opening the door and pushing it open before he noticed Sera stopped moving with her hand still on the keys, staring ahead. Haven looked at her curiously.

"Uh...Sera-" Haven started.

"Maybe I should take you home," She interrupted and turned the car back on. Haven frowned, reached over and turned the car off again.

"What? You drive all the way here just to leave right away? Without even getting out of the car? That makes no sense, what gives?" Haven was surprised by his reaction, he didn't really want to be there; he should have just stayed quiet and let her take him home.

"Sometimes I make no sense, Haven." Sera said and swatted Haven's hand away to turn the car back on when her name was called from outside of the car. The voice drifted into the cabin through Haven's open door.

Haven and Sera looked up to see an older man dressed in black and graying hair standing on the porch with Ella. Sera let out a slow breath before yanking out her keys roughly and stuffed them into her bag with extra malicious.

"Follow me, say nothing." She warned before stepping out of the car, dragging her bat bag with her. Haven hesitated before he followed. Taking a good long look at the man.

He was an older man, dark hair and darker eyes, flashes of silver lightened his hair around his temples. He wore dark, formal clothing like Sera and her cousins, black dress pants a black dress shirt under a black vest with silver pinstripe that shined in the dull sunlight leaking through the heavy clouds. The man leaned against a black cane with a silver handle shaped like an owl leaning forward for the man to hold and allowed it to stare down Haven with hollow eyes.

This was going to be fun...

The pair walked up to the porch quietly. Sera's cousin stood next to the older man, her hand holding his elbow. She wore her hair up into a complex looking braid. her long legs were wrapped in black jeans and boots that hugged her calves and rose to just below her knee while her top half was draped in a loose grey shirt that shifted in the light breeze and hung off one shoulder to show off the noodle strap black shirt she wore under it.

"Father, Ella." Sera greeted with a quick nod of her head and glanced at Haven, giving him a dangerous look with those sharp green eyes of hers.

Haven remembered her orders and bit his lip, remaining silent.

"Cousin," Ella greeted with a hint of condescension in her voice.

"Whom do we have here," The man, Sera's father, looked at Haven with such frigidly cold eyes, Haven shivered.

"This is Jace Moore, Jace this is my father, Gerald Bellerose," Sera said. She touched Haven's shoulder, gripping it so hard he felt her nails through his jacket and almost made him flinch. Haven smiled at Sera's father and waved but said nothing.

"A friend of yours?" Sera's father asked as he shrugged off Ella who turned and strolled back inside. Sera's eyes watched her cousin step into the house, waiting until she was gone before answering.

"We're working on a project together for school. He has a really cool dog too, he's so big I think he might be part wolf," Sera said, smoothly changing the subject.

"Really, just part wolf?" Mr. Bellerose's left eyebrow rose but other than that he didn't move. Sera was quiet, glancing at Haven who was too dumbfounded to say anything. He opened his mouth to say something but before anything stupid could come out Sera spoke up.

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