Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: I can't hide it from him

They arrived at the hotel a few hours ago. It was decided that Cain would go shower first while Setsu made him something to eat. Cain came out of the bathroom in his torn looking clothes and entered the main room, his dinner of soup was waiting on the table for him. Setsu was sitting on the far bed staring at the ground obviously deep in thought just like at the studio earlier in the day.

Cain/Ren is certain now that something was going on either with Setsu or Kyoko herself that she's concerned about, he needed to know but there's food waiting for him and he knows that if he was going to ask what is going on, he would just get told to go eat no matter who was in control at the present moment, so he chooses to eat first.


Finished with dinner, Cain looked over at the still deep in thought girl sitting on the bed.

Cain sighs, "Setsu what is going on with you? You haven't spoken for a while now..."

Setsu snaps out of her thoughts once again when Cain's voice hits her ears, she looks at him and gives him a small cute smile. "Nothing is going on Nii-san." She was obviously lying in one way but not in another.

Ren trying to remain in character, knows something is going on. He gets a little annoyed, "Really? There's nothing going on Setsu... you have been thinking a lot lately..."

"Damn it he noticed I've been distracted a lot.... I got to play this as there is really nothing wrong...I can't let Tsuruga-san get suspicious..." Kyoko thought to herself.

Setsu continues to keep the smile on, "It is truly nothing Nii-san... you don't need to worry about me."

Cain gets up from his seat and walks towards Setsu's bed and pushes her down onto her back, he pins her down using his arms. "Stop lying to me Setsu! I always worry about you!" he was starting to lose his composure and slipping out of character.

Setsu is shocked with what just happened and tries to escape from his hold, but the more she struggled for freedom the grip he had on her wrists tightened, "Nii-san I am not lying..." Setsu said, it was the truth since Setsu wasn't lying but the main owner of this body was. Setsu flinches from the pain in her wrist as Cain was still pushing down hard. A tear escaped from her eyes due to the intense pain.

"Mogami-san..." Ren was back in control sending Cain to the back of his consciousness after seeing the helpless girl begin crying, he releases his grip on the girl below him and he moves to help her back into the sitting position before taking a seat beside her.

Kyoko casts Setsu away into her consciousness once she realised Ren broke character when he said her name, relieved that he stopped putting pressure on her wrist but next thing she knew she was sitting up with Ren beside her holding onto one of her wrists gently. She looks down at her other hand positioned on her lap.

Ren sighs, "I am sorry Mogami-san, I didn't mean to hurt you I was just concerned. You're hiding something significant, you've told me what has bothered you in the past..." he says as he was relating to the few times she'd confided in him for things as well as in the past when they were kids in Kyoto.

Kyoko slightly smiles as she looks up at his face to see the concerned look in his eyes then she looks back down at her hands, she moved the one from Ren's grip to join her other hand on her lap. "Well Tsuruga-san there has been something bothering me recently..."

Ren looks down to the girl beside him. "Mogami-san you should know that I am here if you need to talk about something or to help with anything..."

Kyoko takes a deep breath before speaking, "Well it's about a scene that I have to do in 2 weeks..."

Ren looks at her slightly confused about what kind of scene would cause her this much discomfort. "What type of scene is that?"

Kyoko takes another deep breath before speaking and clenches her hands together as she was nervous to tell this man. "For the last episode of Box "R"s second season finale. I have to kiss a guy but it has to be passionate and to enforce my dominance over people as Natsu." Kyoko then pausing for a moment before continuing, "And I don't have much experience with kissing..." Kyoko's hands begin to shake as she thinks about who she has to kiss. She doesn't want to get NGs and having to kiss that jerk anymore then she has to, then there was the thought of how Ren would react if he knew who she had to kiss. She decided to keep that part a secret to reduce angering him.

Ren was shocked but then the Emperor of Night smile appears on his face, "Well that doesn't seem too much of a problem to me, I can always help you practice kissing." Ren was keeping the Emperor smile on while he was thinking, "That way I can get her to kiss me and maybe multiple times...I wouldn't want just her co-star getting the pleasure of feeling her soft lips." As he remembers the night when they were the siblings and everything happened that lead to him receiving a hickey from her.

Kyoko can feel his emperor smile on her, she tried to not blush or show that she really wanted that. "I-Its ok Tsuruga-san, I don't want to be a bother to you." She says still looking down at her shaking hands on her lap.

Ren sighs slightly, "You wouldn't be a bother, I would like to help you when you need it and you can always make me eat that night but it would have to be next Friday." He chuckles knowing she wouldn't be able to pass up the chance to make him eat.

Kyoko giggles, "Since you put it that way it's a good excuse to make you eat on Friday." Deep down she was nervous about practicing that with him. She would have to at any cost keep her true feelings for him hidden.

Ren smiles, "Well with that settled we should go to sleep, our day starts early in the morning."

Kyoko nods and puts back on her Setsu demeanor, "Good night Nii-san." She stood up and began walking away she was stopped by arms around her waist. Setsu turned her head to the man that was now standing behind her.

Ren had his Cain demeanor on now and put his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him, "Good night Setsu." He then kisses the top of her head before letting go and going to his bed.

Kyoko hid the blush that she didn't want appearing while she was Setsu; she proceeds to the bathroom to take a shower herself.


After Setsu gets out of the bathroom with only her underwear and a lace tank top on. She walks to her bed and looks over at Cain all curled up under the blankets in his bed. She smiles thinking he looked so adorable then shook her head to remove the thought and turns back and gets into her own bed. She didn't notice that Cain had opened his eyes to see her dressed like that and smirks before he closes his eyes again to sleep.

They both fell asleep thinking about the kissing practice that will be going on the following week, they were both excited but Kyoko was also really nervous about kissing the man she finally realized that she loved.

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