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I blink my eyes open to see the room once again. Memories of what happend last night flood into my mind. I smile and turn my head to a sleeping Logan. He looks adorable, he way he pulls the covers up to his face. I relized that he has a death grip around my waist. I also really need to pee. I pry his arms off of me and sit up and swing my legs on he side of the bed. I go i stand up but i get tugged back down next to Logan. He snuggled into the crook of my neck.
"Logan, I need to get up." "noooooooo." he whined like a child. "i have to pee" i told him. He released the grip on my arm and i got up again and traveled to the bedroom door. I swing it open and walk across Logan's version of "the red room of pain."

I open the second door and walk out into the hallway and to the bathroom.

I come out of the bathroom and go to get my shoes. Why not go on a walk, Its been forever since i last did that. I slip on my converse and open he front door and step outside.

Their was a slight breeze but nothing special. You could see the tops of the trees being grazed as the wind wipped through them. I walk down the drive, kicking a pebble down the concrete.

I stepped out onto the tan sidewalk and made my way down the stretch. I took out my phone and turned on my playlist and them stuffed my phone in my back pocket.

I walked down the block and started on the next block but paused as I felt eyes on my. I spun around and whipped my head from left to right, my playlist still faintly playing in the backround. I soon hesitently started up again but start to power walk this time. As I was walking, I heard a bush rustle and a faint foot step. I turn around and see a figure in all black walking slowly, but in big steps behind me.

I started to test him; When I walked at a slower pace, he walked a slower pace. When I picked up the speed, he picked up the speed. I'm not really the one to take chance's so I ran, "Twenty One Pilots" were blarring out of my playlist.

I heard quick footsteps behind me, they were obviously faster. I tried to push myself on, almost at my breaking point.

Then I was grabbed from behind and brought down to the ground, scraping my soft hands on the jagged ground. The man shuffled for something in his pocket and he wipped out a cloth drenched in a chemical. He pushed the cloth against my nose and mouth. I thrashed and shifted against the ground, trying to get out of theirs grasp.

"You're mine now." was the last thing i heard before the world went black before me.

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