Meet the Captain, Ryoga!

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The day started out the same and Ryoma was again greeted by his older brother’s nagging in the morning. He awoke when he was splattered with cold water and he grumbled all the way to the bathroom to bathe.

“What’s the agenda today?” Nanjiro asked before Ryoga could form the words into his mouth. They sat on the dining table as they eat their breakfast. Ryoma chewed and gulped down on toast bread and answered. “Practice”

Ryoga answered with a nod, understanding but a detestable face crept its way to his mind. It was Tezuka’s stern face. He hated the guy down to his core since he knew the guy got all Ryoma to himself the whole year he was away.

“Hey” Ryoma’s monotonous tone made him aware that he was saying something. Ryoga knew that Ryoma’s monotonous manner was not all as it seems. Ryoma was sweet with a blend of cockiness that made him somehow cute and amusing. Ryoga was definitely more than pleased of having him as little brother.

“Have you been listening?” Ryoma asked with his brow rose up and an unimpressed expression set on his face.

“I’m listening but could you explain” he said, making an obvious lie. Ryoma sighed and explained. Ryoga chowed down on pasta that was laid in front of him. Pasta for breakfast was always his choice but Ryoga eyed Ryoma for not having touched the pasta on his plate.

“I don’t like pasta for breakfast” Ryoma cursed, knowing his older brother probably noticed. He went to grab his bag. Ryoga, having heard the sound of the sliding door being slid stood up abruptly after being frozen in shock.

“Hey” he called out to Ryoma who turned his head. His eyes bore boredom and sleepiness.

“Don’t forget to tell me all about your day” Ryoga said with a sly smile which Ryoma questioned inside his head. He shrugged it off and went to meet with Momoshiro.

He walked with the bag of racket slung on his shoulder. English has a test today but Ryoma knew he’s pass it no sweat. He was a genius in English and never once had he got one wrong. He’d answer all the tests perfectly and in just a short span of time. He would usually be called out by the teacher. They, thinking that he was cheating were forced to look at the sheet of test. Their eyes would bulge out of their sockets and he would shrug confidently at how he managed to perfectly answer them. His three self-proclaimed friends would pat him on the back for his greatproficiency.

“Yoh” a wave of voice echoed in his ears as he looked up to see Momoshiro on his bicycle.

“Hey” was all he could say.

“The camp is tomorrow. I can’t take it anymore!! I am so freakin’ excited” Momo exclaimed as Ryoma walked on ahead. Momo was quite an eccentric character though not that weird. He just couldn’t contain all the excitement that he would always burst them when Ryoma was around. Ryoma heaved a sigh at the thought.

He didn’t really know how he ended up being best friend with such a guy but there was nothing much he could do.

“Hey” unexpectedly, a sweet, high-pitched voice came. it was a male’s but somehow may end up being mistaken as a cat’s tone. Both went to look at the lad who appeared before them.

“Hey Ochibi” the lad would call Ryoma that. It was understandable though since Ryoma was the youngest not to mention the tiniest of all in the district.

“Eiji!” Momo called out with a wave and a grin.

Eiji dashed to hug the little Ryoma and walked beside him all the way to school.

“Morning” Ryoma greeted nonchalantly upon entering the classroom. Everyone directed their attention to Ryoma but conversations didn’t cease. Ryoma went to his chair then placed his elbow on the table. He cupped his face with his hand and yawned.

“Echizen!” Horio, a lad who brags about his two years of experience in Tennis came over and tapped on Ryoma’s table.

“We have a test today!” Horio started fretting.

Ryoma remained dazed as he looked outside. His seat was in the front but also next to the windows. He could feel the gentle breeze brush against his face. His hair was at tuned with the winds. Just then, the sound of the door sliding came about. Silence quickly settled on the four corners of the room then everyone stood up for a bow and a greeting.

The test subsequently began.

The bell tolled.

After fixing his things, he went to his locker and placed the P.E uniform that he used two classes before.

“Echizen” he turned and saw a team member. His eyes fastened and a smile would always be creeping to his lips.

“Fuji sempai” Ryoma said then locked his locker.

“Going to the court?” Fuji asked, a very inaudible chuckle escaped his mouth. Ryoma glanced at him as he took his racket bag. 

“Yeah” he answered. Fuji walked beside him as they gone their way out of the crowded hall. 

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