Chapter 5

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~Edd's Pov~

oh yeah ill add some EddMatt fluff in here cause ya know shipping reasons

i giggle at Tord's reaction
but i was still a little flustered
i look up at him. he gave me a smirk

"you should totally ask him out" he said, i shoved him playfully and Tord dramatically falls on his bed

"oh nooooo" he said sarcastically
i giggle once more
"hey Tord imma go to my room now call me if you need anything!" i said skipping out of Tord's room

some time later..

~Tom's Pov~

i said Matt just sighed

"ok i give up but trust me Tom you and Tord might date someday!"
Matt said clapping his hands together probably dreaming about me and that commie dating


"ok Matt i just want to think about how i feel about him so.."
i said he nodded and left the room closing the door i sighed in relief
i hear Edd and Tord talking i peeked through the crack of my door

"Hey Tord i wanna watch a movie wanna come?"
Edd said

"uh what movie? and where?"
Tord asked coming out of his room

"in my room i have a laptop Matt seems to be enjoying his beauty channel so i dont want disturbing him and also how about a sad movie!" Edd said Tord smiled

a genuine one then nodded
Tord said Edd then grabbed his hand and dragged him in his room

why do i feel sad and left out all of a sudden?

i decided to join them cause theres nothing to do.

i made my way to Edd's door and knocked
the door opened
"hi Tom! me and Tord are watching a movie wanna join?" i look inside of his room

it looks like they have built a pillow fort and Tord was inside of it staring at the laptop screen

i nodded Edd let me in
i sat next to Edd
Edd was in the middle we were watching a sad movie about a man who saw a dog and adopted it then everytime he was at work the dog would wait until he was done working
until the man died the dog had no clue what was going on so he waited and waited at his spot for his owner
one day the dog felt tired then he saw his owner smiling at him the dog went to his owners arms before he blacked out
(this was a real movie i cried i forgot the Title we watched it in our class i was crying like crazy ;-;)

throughout the movie Tord and Edd were crying well i only shed a few tears

~after the movie cause i am lazy
i mean everyones lazy right i'm not the only one right? ok ill stop~

"Tom?" Edd said i look at him to see Tord hugging him in his sleep


"well can you get Tord off me hes
squeezing me to death" Edd said struggling for air i giggled and helped him

"oh yeah can you do me a favor and put Tord in his bed room?"
i groaned in response but picked him up anyway

i walked out of Edd's room
Tord then buried his face to my chest
i sighed softly and walked to his bedroom and lay him down
he snuggled to the covers
i giggle of how cute he looks like while sleeping
then walked out
(aw no cuddles for tordy)

~Edd's Pov~

i was standing in front of Tord's Door.

why you may ask? you see
i only made Tom take Tord to his bedroom to see if he cuddles with him or not
cause i know one thing for sure Tord loves to cuddle in his sleep
I'm sure he would cling on Tom
in his sleep.

then the door open to see Tom
i asked i could tell he was confused

"so...what?" he answered

"did he cuddle you?"

"what no! why on earth would he want to cuddle me!?"
Tom said i smirked

"suuuuuure" i said and walked away leaving a flustered/angry Tom

a few hours later
it is now 8 pm

~Still Edd's Pov~
i went out of my room after cleaning our pillow fort
i decided to get myself a reward
which is


i walked down the hall
and went downstairs
(also their rooms and bathroom are upstairs and the kitchen and other rooms are downstairs)
and went to the kitchen to see a bored Tord drinking cola

ok Edd youre over reacting.

theres probably more in the fridge. i opened the fridge only to be greeted by food but NO COLA!
i turn my head to face Tord who was enjoying MY cola
i yelled at him pointing my finger to the cola can

"E-Edd I'm sorry J-Jesus christ."
Tord said trying not to laugh
i huffed and crossed my arms

"Whatever but youre lucky i didnt kill ya'" i said jokingly
he chuckled

"yeah imma go to my room i wanna sleep" Tord said as he finished his cola and threw it in the trash bin

"ok Tord night!"


i should probably head back to my room

~6 hours later~
I woke up from a nightmare i had well its more of a flashback than a nightmare but
Tom became a monster and attacked me and Matt
Matt died because he got shot
thank goodness it was a dream

after that i cant sleep one bit
i look at my digital alarm clock
2 am it says
maybe i could sleep with Matt?
i walked out of my room and knocked on Matt's

knock knock
the door opened to reveal a tired Matt
"Edd? what are you doing up so late?" Matt asked

"i-i had a nightmare can i sleep with you?"

"sure" he opens his door fully and i walked in
Matt sat on the bed and patted a space next to him
i sat down

there was awkward silence

"so you gonna sleep or what?" Matt asked i did not notice Matt was already laying down
i nodded and layed beside him
he then wraps his arms around me and snuggled on my back

i giggled and drifted to sleep.

its me
soooo EddMatt hmmm
yeah gonna add EddMatt for...
its not that i ran out of ideas so i made an EddMatt chap even though its a TomTord book yah totally not that.
so imma update every saturday cause school
and if I didn't update im either dead or i had to do chores

well thats all i have to say boi!


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