Chapter 2

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Here's the next part of Echo's journey. It's going to be great, trust me.


TMAoEZ – Chapter 2:

Ninjago City's port was the busiest Echo had seen anywhere, granted it was the first place he'd seen other than the lighthouse, but it was still busier than what he was used to. Everyone was really loud as so many things happened at once and people milled around constantly. It was kind of intimidating. Echo knew no one there but his brother was in the city somewhere so that must count for something, at least to him it did.

Sherwin assured him that people in Ninjago City were quite friendly and that he had nothing to worry about. That didn't stop him being hesitant to actually talk to people. The sailors had given him some of their clothes to help him blend in. Apparently, androids were common here just not ones of his model and so he would be safer in disguise.

The city beyond was nothing like Echo could have imagined. It was huge. Every building around them was as tall as the lighthouse with some being even taller, "So Zane, how do you like the city?" Kim smiled, walking beside him with a spring in her step.

"It's big."

"That it is..." Doug spoke in front of them with an air of discomfort.

"Are you alright? You seem as if this place is not to your liking."

"You're perceptive Kid, I don't like the city much. It's too closed in with everything shoved together in a way that makes it feel..."


"Exactly, I prefer the sea. All the space a man could need with no end in sight." Doug looked at his shipmates to see them nod in agreement, "Of course life at sea isn't for everyone, and that's why we are going to help you find your brother."

"You are?"

"We are?!" Sherwin and Kim yelled at the same time, one out of confusion and the other joy (you can probably guess which).

"Yep, and I happen to who the address of the Ninja's manager. Strange guy, trust me." Doug seemed lost in thought for a second before shrugging, "But he owes me a favour so I may as cash it in."

"You don't have to do that." Echo stopped walking, "I couldn't ask you to do that at all." He looked distressed, "I barely know you and-"

"Kid, calm down." Doug placed a hand on Echo's shoulder, "I like you a lot, and consider this payment for letting me tinker with your little friend." Speaking of Gizmo, the small robot had to be put in rucksack that Echo was carrying. His small size meant he couldn't keep up with the group and could easily get lost.

"If you say so... Thank you." Echo looked at the ground before Doug started laughing causing him to look up.

"That's why I like you kid, so well-mannered." The group continued on their journey before Echo stopped yet again. He was looking curiously at a small playground with what looked like a group of kids and their caretaker playing on the various apparatus. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves, despite the caretaker looking kind of tired.

"What's the matter Zane?" Sherwin was first to notice the android's absence, closely followed by the other two.

"What's that?" Echo pointed at the play area causing the trio to notice it as well.

"That? That's a playground..." Sherwin looked at his friends, "I guess you wouldn't have had them on that island of yours, right?" His question was answered by an unfocused shake of the head, "You wanna..."

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