Chapter 6

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Happy Halloween guys! You ready for a spooky chapter?!


"The boy crept slowly down the hall, thinking he was completely alone-" A voice began in the dark before being cut off by a second.

"Boring..." A smacking followed this drawled statement.

"Shhh!" A third person ordered as the second voice winced.

"Suddenly a bright light appeared from behind him. He turned around to find no one there apart from his sister's doll." The first voice continued giving a long pause.

"How is that even scary?" The second voice came back to interrupt again.

"Covered in blood." The first voice finished doing an exaggerated spooky sounding voice causing two voices to giggle while a third just sighed in disappointment. Before any of them could speak again a light came on behind them illuminating the four kids. They all screamed in fear scrambling to grab onto each other as the light was dropped on the floor. "Hide me, I'm too young to die!"

"Are you okay, friends?" A fifth voice came from near the light source before it moved again to reveal Echo stood in a doorway holding a plate of food and a flashlight. The four kids looked at each other before detangling themselves, "You seem distressed... Are the scary stories going well?" Echo asked curiously as he sat down in the group placing the plate of snacks in the middle of the circle they'd created.

"You could say that." Nelson replied nervously, "Thanks for inviting us over by the way, it's a cool way to celebrate having my casts off."

"Yeah, your room is awesome." Sam smiled as he stuffed a cookie in his mouth.

"It used to be a storage room..." Echo explained as he looked around at the boxes still inhabiting the wall of the room. "However, my brother promised he'd help me buy some decorations for it soon, like a new ceiling lamp."

"That's why it's so dark in here."

"I tried replacing the lightbulb by myself but accidently fell off the ceiling." Echo still remembered Zane scolding him for trying to do it himself and then comforting him when his leg had to be repaired, it still kind of hurt. The group fell into a comfortable silence after that, everyone enjoying the snacks Echo had supplied, that was until they began hearing weird noises coming from outside the door. All five of them sat completely still as a strange dragging sound came from right next to the room and listened as it moved down the hall slowly getting quieter as it went. "What the heck was that?!" Sam whisper yelled as he tried to hide under a blanket.

"Perhaps it was one of the Ninja." Nelson offered hesitantly, clearing not believing that himself.

"Perhaps... We should go and see what it is." Echo stood up slowly as his friends moved to stop him, "If it is something dangerous, it is my job to deal with it. That is what I was I made for." He looked determinedly back at his friends before sliding the door open a crack to stick his head out. The four kids looked between themselves again then at Echo's back, they joined him at the door much to Echo's joy as he slipped quietly into the hallway.

The group tiptoed down the hall in the direction they heard the noise travel. They looked around a corner together to find nothing there, "What do you think it was?" Cam asked quietly as moved from their position to continued searching.

"A ghost?" Tree supplied questioningly as he glanced around, expecting something to happen.

"I hope not, I'm allergic to ghost." Sam hid behind his sister, still underneath his blanket.

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