Not so bad now, are you Mr. Alpha?

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Main Character Descriptions.

Mackenzie Airbloom:Hair- Shoulder lenght, wavy, choclate brown with honey coloured highlights. Eyes- Choclate brown. Skin tone- Golden tan. Height- 5". Personalitie- Funny,clutz, sarcastic, carefree, bitchy, playful, flirty, has an awful temper, daredevil, badgirl skater, loves anything that will give her an adrenaline rush. Pack status- Rouge. Species- Were lepord. Age- 19.

Xander Mars: Hair- black in an edward cullen style. Eyes- Sky blue with flecks of green . Skin tone- Paleish tan. Height- 6"7. Personalitie-Sarcastic, pranker, sarcastic, flirty, badboy, loves to scateboard, quaterback, basketball captain, baseball captain, sports obsessed, best friend is Carl, possesive, agreessive, terrotorial, jerkish, over-protective and loyal  . Pack status- Alpha of the etra pack . Species- Werewolf . Age- 19 .

Carl Tonne:Hair- Dirty blonde. Eyes- Sea green . Skin tone- Pale. Height- 6"6. Personalitie- Cool headed, carefree, happy-go-lucky, hyper, slightly crazy, sporty, flirty, prankster, best buds wiv Xander and skater . Pack status-Beta in Tetra pack . Species- Were wolf . Age-19 .

Running. I was always running, it felt as though I had been born running at times, running from what you may ask? Im running from life, from my old life that is, the life I had been stuck with from the day my parents decieded to kick the bucket. I had been sent to live with my uncle, an old bastard who got pleasure from only three things in this world: alchol, drugs and mentally and physically abusing me, that is until I killed him of course. Now you are probably thinking 'why is she so calm about this' and more to the point 'SHE KILLED HIM!' but it was an aciident.......... sort of. It was my tenth birthday and I  was going through my first shift, yup Im a were lepord!!! But anyway back to the story, I had just shifted into my tiny grey, white and black lepord cub form (that embarrisingly enough, never grew, even though I was ment to) when my uncle stumbled in, drunk and high as fuck. He took one look at me before snarling some words that now, I can not remember, all I do know is what ever he said ticked me off, I remember the feeling of tearing flesh of bone, the sound of  arteries bursting and the smell of torrents of blood... and I remember the blood lust, to taste his blood againg, his flesh, his muscle, I wanted to hear his screams again and again and I often still replay them in my mind, enjoying the pain i gave him as he had enjoyed the pain he had given me. The supernatural council had me locked up in a jail cell for five years for my so called crime, secretly I know that it was worth it. I had spent the last four years homeless, running, endlessly running from my uncles pack that had promised me my death. I could never stop, not until faced my biggest fear and fought them, I knew that someday I would have to but I try not to think about that. I often stopped at little towns and villages for a week or two, to earns some cash and attend high school. I was in my senior year and I was classed as a flirty, skater bad girl if you want to be stereotypical. But I could never settle down, make friends, have a long term relationship (that I didnt mind, I preffered to have short relationships!) and enjoy myself, but I couldnt I didnt have a death warrent. I was currently in the US of A, California to be exact. I had heard there was a pack there and I wanted to avoid meeting them, they were apparently harsh to rouges. Rouges wernt a danger, everyone knew that, they just dislike us for not being settled, kinded of like travellers in the human world (its called the human world even though we live in the same planet as them because they dont know about us, except for were's mates). It was the bigpower hungery packs, with unstable Alpha's that you had nto look out for. They were ruthless, often killing entier packs for more land, my uncle was in one of thoose packs, the blooded moon pack, and now they thirst for my blood. I sigh and shift back into my human form, pulling on a black tank top, navy soffee shorts and trainers. I had just crossed over pack lines and was now in the etra pack terratory, I had shifted, trying to seem less dangerous though my lepord form was far from intimadating. I pull my hair into a side plait and begin running as fast as I could, praying that I didnt get caught by the wolves on patrol. I didnt want the alpha of this pack to torture, or possibly even murder me! Hell no, Im keeping my self intact thank you very much. As my luck would have it, a massive golden brown wolf jumps out of the trees growling dangerously at me. I smirk at him, bolting, he chases after me, snapping at me. He grabs hold of my leg his canines sinking into my leg, causing me to yelp and my red blood to pour from the open wound. He shifts pulling on some cut offs, 'he is smokin!' I tthink to myself staring at my captor. The power radiating off him made him a beta, I decied topoke my toungue out chilldishly at him, when suddenly he tosses me over his should, wacking my still bleeding leg of his toned stomach. I yelp again glaring at his back. He carrys me through a HUGE housing estate, where I assume the pack members live. We stop at a huge victorian styyle mansion,  where he and the Alpha probably live with there mates. I sigh as he treaks up three flights of stairs, causing my injury to keep hitting him and throb. I smell a scent that made my mouth water, mint, dark choclate and lynx..... yummy!!! Mr.ImmaCarryYouSoYourLegStillBleedsRougue opens the door to realvele the hottest dude I have ever seen and I have been al over the world! 'MATE.... THATS OUR MATE!! Z THATS OUR MATE' my inner voice or Jay as I call her screams happily, she was my girly side.... 'Oh shit!' I think staring at Mr. Alpha who I can barley see because Im still on Mr.ImmaCarryYouSoYourLegStillBleedsRougue's back cursing profanities at this situation. Mr. Alpha looks like he is in shock. He quickly snaps out of it and growls at his beta, grabbing me from him and craddling me too his cheast as if I was still a cub! I pout, I dont want a mate let alone an Alpha. He was glaring at his beta while I wiggle, trying to get out of his tight grip. He nods his head to tell his beta to leave, before skimming his eyes down my slim frame. His eyes lnd on my leg that was still bleeding and growling, his eyes turn pure black and he manages to say in a smooth pissed off voice " who did that to you, mate?" I stop squirming knowing it will annoy him more, knowing his mate was trying to escape. "My name is Mackenzie, and no-one did" I tell him not going to spill the truth to this moron. "KENZIE!" he growls "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!?!?" I ignore the question before saying "the name is Mackenzie, not Kenzie" he buryess his head in the crook of my neck breathing slowly, inhaling my scent, his trembling stop and when he looks up finnally his eyes were the blue they were at the start. "Kenzie.,..... tell me!" I look at him, coming up with a great idea, I start pouting and allow crocadile tears to come to my eyes and slip down my cheeks as I mumble in my most lost puppy voice "I-I dont w-wanna *sniff*" his eyes soften and he cuddles me closer sitting on his office chair, strocking my hair and whispering sweey things to me as I continue to 'cry'. I wipe up the fake tears and smile sadly with my puppy dog eyes "s-sorry for *sniff* ruining your shirt" His shakes his head and says softly, as if his normal voice would make me cry again "Kenzie its fine.......... are you ok?" the concern in his voice shocked me, how could he care already?!?!?!?! "Yeah" i fake sigh looking at the ground, inwardly smirking. My leopard liked this plan, not cause I was gonna leave, but cause he was being all sweet and lovey dovey. He lifts up my chin with his finger before pulling me closer into his cheast murmuring "Kenzie, what can I do to make you happy?" 'Let me leave' I think but Jay says 'NO!!! Were not leaving.... please?' unlike most were's inner voices Jay was not commanding, she was my sweet, girly, innocent side and didnt demand, or ask for much. I murmur to him "Can I have a drink.... and an ice-pack please?" he kisses my forhead, then peers down at my still painful wound. He looks at me before whispering in my ear, making me shiver "Imma bring you to the pack doctor baby girl, it looks bad... Please tell me who did iy!" I shake my head whimpering loudly, the colour draining from my cheeks, "no doctors... please?" I beg, the doctor would tell him exactly who I was, I am pretty well known.... and I kinda am scared of them.I saw the war in his mind the fight between doing whats best for me and doing what will keep me happy and not scared. Apparently I won though as he calls out "CARL! CAN YOU GET ME AN ICE-PACK AND...... Kenzie, baby what do you want?" I think before replieing "a can of monster, the green one" after Mr.Alpha orders for me i ask "Whats your name?"he smiles a heartbreking smile "Love my name is Xander, Xander Mars". "Cool" Carl, aka Mr.ImmaCarryYouSoYourLegStillBleedsRouge/ Xanders beta comes in with the stuff smiling at his alpha and glaring at me curled up in Xanders lap like a toddler.Then I finnaly recignise Carl. "CARL!!! BDDY ITS ME!!!! MACCA Z! FROM THE COUNSIL PRISON!" He looks at me and grins "MACCA Z!" I giiggle jumping into his arms ignoring Xander growl and my painful knee "Macca Z soz bout your leg...... I didnt know it was my best buddy" Xander growls again pulling me back into his grip and onto his lap. I smile playfully and say, in all seriousness "Im leaving now"

Not so bad now, are you Mr. Alpha?Where stories live. Discover now