Chapter 2.

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Whioooo I uploaded again because Im #500 in werewolf and I was just so happy so yeah!!!!!! The pic is Xander aqnd  the song is Take me away by Dear Juliet. Please vote comment and fan. I love you all //.//

Recap: "CARL!!! BDDY ITS ME!!!! MACCA Z! FROM THE COUNSIL PRISON!" He looks at me and grins "MACCA Z!" I giiggle jumping into his arms ignoring Xander growl and my painful knee "Macca Z soz bout your leg...... I didnt know it was my best buddy" Xander growls again pulling me back into his grip and onto his lap. I smile playfully and say, in all seriousness "Im leaving now"


Xander pov.

SHE WANTS TO LEAVE?!?!?!?! Why? Did I do something wrong? Did she have a thing with Carl? WHY ID SHE LEAVING ME?!?!?!?!? I cant help but pull her closely into me hoping that she was going to change her mind. My wolf LJ was saying 'Her wolf, Jay' when he pauses for a second, I notice the love in his voice 'says to let them go.... please its killing me to not listen to them, even if it means losing them!' I sigh and realise my sweet little mate, Kenzie. Even the thought of her makes me happy. She looks at me clearly puzzled, obviously thinking I wouldnt let go. I can barley hold back the tears and knew that they would fall any second now.I give Carl a look that says 'GET OUT NOW!' which he happily obliged to probably noticeing how my bottom lip was trembling, my eyes filled with tears and my slumped body. When he closes the door I allow the tears to fall not caring what Kenzie thinks of me at the moment. If you think I wont cry infront of Carl because I wanna seem manly its not that its just that no pack memeber deserves to see there alpha cry, not even if he is the alphas best friend.

Mackenzies pov.

I watchas he sobs uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face. 'Now look what you've done... you have singly handedly reduced an alpha down to a crying two year old pup' Jay scolds me angrily, I sigh and say' how bout we sneek out tonight ______________+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++so we miss the sad part?' I knew that she didnt want to leave but she agrees happy to not have to watch her mate llike this. "Shh Xander" I coo climbing onto his lap "Im not going anywhere" he peers down at me curiously "b-but you s-s-said th-that you we-wer leaving-g" at that moment I felt so bad. "No" I croon at him as he wraps his arm around me, burying his head in the crook of my neck, as his hot tears drip onto me " I changed my mind, I wouldnt leave the best thing that ever happened to me" He smiles at me, wipiing his eyes and sniffling slightly. His happy face makes me smile a real genuine smile, something I havent often done since I was five years old. Being around him makes me feel like Im floating on air, like nothing can hurt me. He's MY drug, but like everyother one I have tries you always get rid of the high feeling and this time is likely to be the same. Right? Its not like Imma give him a chance to prove different so oh well. I have every reason to not believe in love, I was never shown it, even before my parents died they were never like most parents, they never hugged or kissed me, told me storys, played games with me, none of that ever happened, insteadI was thought to fight, to show no emotion, not feel for people, they trined me, trying to make me into a stone cold, heartless killer. I am who I am because of them, I couldnt be a rogue if they hadnt thought me all this. I feel Xander kiss my forehead as he says in a sweet loveydovey voice "baby doll are you ok?" when I dont aanswer he saysin a slightly more urgent voice " Kenzie? Love? Are you ok?" once again I fail to answer, he spins me around Im facing his muscled cheast and says in a tight voice "Mackenzie, tell me whats wrong?!?!" I sigh, stuipid aragent fool "Xander, Im fine just thinking... thats all" he looks down at me and nods, I say to Jay ' are you able to talk to his wolf?' she imidiatly pipes up in her eager voice 'yup, he's called LJ, he's so sweet and funny and nice and cool....... thank god he is my mate!'I mentally role my eyes 'What does Xander think of me?' she pauses before saying 'I can find out.... I wont tell him you wanted to know, Xander has such an ego... I mean Jeesh, at least he's pretty to look at!' I mentally agree he is pretty tolook at but Im still leaving. 'Z!' Jays voice rings out in my head 'he says and I quote LJ "its like she makes my world complete. I dont want to wake up without her by side. I feel like I can be myself around her. Just thinking about her cheers me up. Ive known her what? bout half an hour and I think Im in love!' Awwwwww, I look up at him, how can some one like him ever possibly love someone like me. How cliche right, the possesive alpha and the rouge, Im living in a fucking cliche world! I mean come on, give a chick a break! Im not completly bad, sure I rob, lie, smoke, drug deal (only for cash) and other crap but Im a good person, I think? "Kenzie? Babe? You wana come for a swim?" ha I will escape now! "Sure Mr. Alpha. Just let me get changed?" He nods and shows me to the bathroom, carrying my rucksake with all my clothes. Once his footsteps are out of hearing I slip on my black skinnys, a tanktop, leave my trainers on, tye my hair in a bun and nod to myself. I pry open the window, climbing out. I look down, then jump. The second I hit the ground after my four story drop, I sprint to next town, where I buy a bottle of sprite. It makes me impulsive but tastes so good!!!

Xanders pov.

I growl, Kenzie has been gone two hours, where is she. I knew my eyes were black as coal and I was yelling at everyone, why did she leave me? I swear if I get... I mean when I get her back Im never letting her go no mater wat she says! "Alpha, we know where she is" I look at him expectantly "In walmart up the road" I  nod and run off bringing Carl with me. When we get tere there was a huge crowd standing around the door cheering, curious I walk over following Kenzies cherryblossom and bubblegum ice-cream scent. There she was, my little spit fire of a mate, fighting a dude three times her size. She was puncking and kicking and most importantly, dodging his blows.

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