Family sickness

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3:30 A.M
Rachel's POV
I wake up and Nicole is throwing up and now Emma is not feeling good.
Why does this happened we have to go to the doctor later today.

1:00 P.M
In The Doctor office
Rachel's POV
"Hello I am Rachel Geller and this is Emma and Nicole Geller and they don't feel good and I want to make sure they don't have the flu or something else" I said to the doctors.
"Great you are the first mother who has done this but we will see the problem by testing them" the doctor told me.
"Umm Doctor do you do the same thing as my dad his name is Dr.Geller" Emma said man I really need to talk about Ross's job to her.
"What does he do little girl"the doctor asked her.
"One don't call me little girl and two he is a paleontologist I think right mom"she asked.
"Yes sweetheart" I said.
Nicole started throwing up again but she knew right where to go to, to the trash can.
"Oh poor baby"I said.

2:00 p.m
At home
Rachel POV
Well I just found out Emma has a cold and Nikki has the flu great! How could have she gotten it tho she hasn't been outside in weeks well out side in public.
"Mama I want soup my throat hurts" Nicole said.
"I know baby I will make you some soup"I told her
*Doors opened*
"guess who's home"Ross said
I didn't hear him so no one answered
He walks in the kitchen
"Well how's my favorite girls" Ross said.
"Well but Emma has the cold so she is laying down on the couch I think she is sleeping and Nicole has the flu" I explained.
"Ohh poor baby girls"he said with his lip out.
"I WANT SOUP"Nicole screamed.
"Its coming baby" i said.

The story of Ross and Rachel {with 2 kids} Where stories live. Discover now