Chronicles of Mikannie/Part 1

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     It was a rare occasion when something slipped past Mikasa Ackerman. She always knew when something was going down no matter where it was in her vicinity. She could practically feel when a fight was beginning to brew between Jean and Eren during class. She could feel when when Ymir was going to say something stupid and time Krista's oncoming headbutt. She could sense when Sasha was going to try and steal something from her tray at lunch. However, there was one thing that Mikasa kept doing that allowed the rare occasion to occur.

     "Mikasa, are you okay?"

     Snapping out of her daze, she turned to look towards Armin. The blonde haired boy smiled up at her with his arms wrapped around a rather dusty old book. Her eyes flickered from the book studying it for a moment and once it was deemed harmless, she allowed herself to listen to what Armin was saying. Apparently Eren would be staying for detention today considering that he got into a fight with Jean over dodgeball. Eren always wanted a specific ball that he claimed at the beginning of their highschool years, he had scribbled Titan on it with a smiley face which was the mascot for their school. He felt proud because it was 'his', although all of the balls had Titan printed it on it along with the school's logo, Eren deemed that one ball was special. Mikasa sighed and brought her signature red scarf around her mouth.

     Eren had given her the scarf when they were kids. She had a habit of giving him her jacket when it was cold outside and he would start sneezing after yelling to his mom that he was impenetrable. In return, he gave her the scarf telling her to never take it off so that she'd be impenetrable like him. Once she questioned him on why she wasn't already, he said it was because she was his little sister and he had to protect her. Needless to say, she was flattered but also had to give him a hefty punch to the arm which sent him face first into a pile of snow they had been shoveling.

     "Ackerman, plan on moving anytime soon."

     The gruff tone of voice could only have been Annie. Upon noticing that Armin had departed after telling her the news, she could only have assumed that he knew she was off in her 'Eren-zone' as he called it. Looking down at the shorter girl, Annie's eyebrows were furrowed and her arms were folded over her chest. Instead of wearing the standard uniform of a white collared shirt and khaki pants along with a blazer (that had the symbol of a Titan on it) - she chose to wear a blue hoodie with a diamond on the front, grey jeans and black boots. Mikasa's eyes traveled down before moving upwards again taking note of Annie's bun which was always present and she wondered what it'd be like to unravel it for once. There a few strands loose though and they fell in her eyes.

     "Are you trying to kiss me or something?"

     Mikasa zoned in one against and noticed that it wasn't Annie getting closer, it was her. She quickly stood ramrod straight before spinning on her heel aiming to head down the hall to where Eren was. Once she took a step though, she was yanked back and arms wrapped around her waist. Her eyes darted downwards quickly before she looked back towards Annie as another tug followed. Once she looked back, in a flash of movements, soft pale lips were pressed against hers in a heated kiss. In that moment, Mikasa's entire being felt as though it was on fire until a sense of eureka came over her. Annie's arms fell from her torso and her hands caressed the smaller girl's hips.

     When her eyes met Annie's however, she hadn't noticed how beautiful her eyes were. They were pools of ice constantly restricting and letting loose, there was a sense of boredom in them that masked an underlying passion. For some reason those eyes were getting closer though and Mikasa could see the pupil along with the lines around her iris.

     They stayed like this for a moment before Annie leaned away coming back to her original height. Grey met icy blue and no words needed to be exchanged as Annie stepped out of the way and walked down the hall to where the detention room was. Mikasa raised a hand to touch her lips feeling Annie's presence even after she was out of her sight.

     Eren ranted and raved how annoying Jean was and how much of a horseface he turned out to be after detention. Although, Mikasa hadn't said a word at all. Although this was usual to some considering Mikasa was often silent, Eren knew that eventually she would say something to him even if it was something about his clothes or the fact that he repeated something twice but he got nothing. This caused him to worry after he intentionally repeated a sentence to gauge her reaction. Mikasa had a far off look in her eyes and Eren waved his hand in front of her place as if to catch her attention only to receive a mere blink. 

     "Mikasa, are you okay? Did someone do something to you?"

     Armin came down the hall at that moment and chuckled softly before patting Eren's arm as he sat at a loss.

     "Don't worry, she's just in the Annie-zone."


     Annie Leonhardt was genuinely surprised the next morning when she found Mikasa Ackerman standing on her doorstep without Armin or Eren in sight. Mikasa was dressed in her uniform neatly like every other day with her scarf wrapped around her mouth. Although, the roses in her hand were a nice touch along with the pudding tray in the other. An amused smile formed on Annie's lips and she reached out to bring Mikasa's scarf down.

     "Armin told you that I zone out at times." She said with a deadpan tone to her voice.

     Annie wasn't going to disclose her sources but she knew Armin would squeal one way or another. She did bribe him however with a book that he had been looking forward to reading for the past few months of school for information on Mikasa. But that wasn't out of the ordinary, was it? Of course not. The other girl was practically fortified having steel walls and an armored heart under that seemingly ordinary human body. However, Mikasa wasn't very ordinary to Annie at all. Her hair was an inky black and looked silky making her want to touch it. The red scarf caused her eyes to flare, the pools of grey that were steadily getting closer and closer.


     Annie snapped out of it only to notice that she had done it too. She had a Mikasa-zone. This caught the older girl's attention and the corner of her lips turned up into a small smile.

     "How did you know that I like pudding," Annie muttered leaning against Mikasa.

     The girl wasn't about to disclose her sources either although there was a rather large blonde hiding behind a bush a few doors down hoping not to be noticed as he sprinted to his car with a taller brunette. Annie rolled her eyes before grabbing Mikasa by her scarf and tugging her inside. She shut the door, tossed the pudding tray onto the recliner chair before being presented with the roses. Her eyes flickered from the roses to Mikasa then back, she took them and gave each a quick sniff before tossing them into a nearby cup of water. The raven-haired girl was pushed down onto a nearby couch with the blonde haired girl straddling her, hands on either side of her head.

     "I'm pretty sure that I know why this hasn't happened earlier," Mikasa admitted with a stoic expression.

     Annie raised an eyebrow and leaned down to hear Mikasa's theory.

     "We've been zoning out too much to even think of making a move on one another."

     With that being said, no one said anything for that morning. The two were late to their evening classes but they seemed to not be listening to Shadis' lecture instead deciding to zone out once again into their own little place where each other was all they could think of.


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