Chapter 1 : Love is love

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[A/N] Wendy's 18 years old.

I was 11 years old when my sister, who was 18 years old at that time, was kicked out of the house after coming out to my parents because they strongly believe that being in same-sex relationship is unacceptable and those people, including my sister, need help.

Although it was a long time ago, i can still remember how my dad screamed at my sister, Chaeyoung and how my mum insisted that my sister didn't mean what she said. And how she retaliated, saying that she doesn't care because all she cares about is... what's her name......was it..Mina?

Flashback...7 years ago...

"Mum, Dad, i have something to tell the both of you," My sister placed the cutlery she was holding on the table and spoke in a xserious tone, breaking the peaceful silence in the dining room, "I have a girlfriend. We've been seeing each other for 2 years."

I furrowed my eyebrows unknowingly. Dad dropped the set of cultery he was holding and stood up. " Take Seungwan upstairs now." She did not wait for me to place my fork on the dining table and immediately grabbed my arm and took me up to my room.


"Does this mean that Unnie is sick?" I asked my mum while i passed her the fork i was holding on to. They had told me that homosexuals are people who need help from psychiatrists.

"Sweetie, don't listen to what your sister said, it's not true, she's confused about her feelings." Mum said to me in a soft but firm voice as she cupped my cheeks with her hands before pulling me into a hug.

"Mum?" I broke away from the hug, wanting to ask her a question.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Didn't you and Dad said that people in same-sex relationships won't last long?" I paused for awhile, bracing myself as i said,"Unnie and her girlfriend are together for a long time." My mum looked at me as if she had seen a ghost.

She shook her head in disbelief and shouted at me, "NO! What did i say?! Your sister doesn't have a-" she paused for a moment,"a girlfriend. Chaeyoung is normal!" she said with a tone which suggested that she was extremely disgusted by the words which had came out from her mouth.

I flinched at Mum's outburst as i did not expect her to be that agitated by my question.

"I'm sorry mum. i won't say that ever again." i looked at her assuredly.

The frown on her face was replaced by a smile."That's right, Wendy darling. Now wash up and go to bed." She said and left after seeing me walk to the bathroom.

[A/N] ^See what i did there?

However, my room wasn't soundproof and i could still hear them shouting.

"Who is she?! How dare she destroy my lovely daughter?!"
Dad bellowed.

"She did not destroy me. I love her and she did nothing wrong." I hear unnie say in a soft voice.
Hearing what she had said, Dad exploded."What do you mean by she did nothing wrong? She ruined you, she ruined US, she ruined this PERFECT FAMILY!"

"Don't say that about Mina! You have no idea how much she means to me!" she screamed, not able to accept how Dad spoke of her girlfriend.

Stealthily, I tiptoed to the stairs and squatted down, looking down through the handrails. I almost let out a squeal when i saw Dad swung his arm, his palm landing on my sister's cheek.

"Get Out." He said as he calmed down, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and disappointment. "If you insist on being with her, you are no longer my daughter. Leave."

When i saw my sister running towards the stairs, i hurried back into my room, not wanting them to know that i've been watching them.


After my sister left, i found a letter under my bedroom door. The letter was addressed to me and it was from her.

-End of flashback-

I took out the letter from the drawer of my study table.

To: My beloved Sister

Dear Seungwan,
          I knew this day would come, so i have already prepared this letter for you in advance. Please do not cry, I don't want you to feel sad because of me. I hope this letter will help you with the problems you might face in the future.
         I just want to tell you that if something like this— falling in love with a girl, were to happen to you and you are not sure what to do, my answer to you is, follow your heart.
          I really hope this will not happen to you because things certainly didn't end well. However, it's not wrong to love someone of the same gender, despite what mum and dad said. Because you can't choose who to love and who not to love, they will just come to you.
          That was what happened to me. Mina just stole my heart away from me the moment i met her. You will know that they are the love of your life once you meet them. It's automatic. You love picture puzzles, don't you? The feeling is just like you are trying to search for that one piece of missing puzzle needed to complete your puzzle and BAM, it appears right before your eyes. It's like you feel that your life is completed whenever they are together with you.
          I'm sorry i can't be by your side during your hard times. I'm sorry for not being able to take care of you, watch you grow into an adult and complete my duties as your sister. And I'm sorry because you won't see me anymore. I had told Mina that we will migrate overseas after we completed our studies if Mum and Dad disown me.
          I'm really sorry, for everything. I love you so much. Don't worry about me, i'll be fine because i'm sure i have made the right choice. Goodbye, my dear sister and remember, love is just love.

With lots of love,

[A/N] Alright, i'll end here.

True Love : Homophobic // {Seuldy ; Wenseul} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now