Chapter 14

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"Who's there?" Riley asked, pulling away from me .

There was only one person who said those words when they entered my house.

Isaiah Hank Babineaux.

"Farkle!" He hollered, his voice getting closer.

"Dude, you he-" his words hung in the air.

He saw us.

My hands on her waist, her hands  still hovering around my face.

"Zay you're back?" I meant to sound more happy and less agitated, but my tone betrayed me.

"Uh yeah, but I can erm see you're busy. So err, I'll go."

He turned to leave when we heard my parents car pull up in the driveway. Fish sticks!

Alarm and fear was written all over Riley's face, and maybe, mine too.

I heard them open the door and thankfully my instincts worked faster than my brain in that moment. I pulled out the beanbags, threw my books on the ground and told Riley and Zay to sit and act busy.

My door opened and my eyes glanced up to see my mom, looking not-so-happy. "Farkle Ginsberg Minkus, grounded means no friends over."

My face tinged a light shade of orange, why was my mom like this?

"Yeah I know mom, we're doing a project," I lied.

I seem to be lying a lot these days, Maya would be proud.

"Okay, are they staying for dinner?" She questioned, and I didn't miss her gaze stay on Riley for a second too long.

Zay always stayed for dinner.

And then realisation dawned on me, my crush was about to meet my parents and I'm pretty sure all colour drained from my face.

Fish sticks!

The dinner went smoothly, well if you call my parents lecturing my friends and I, Riley accidentally pouring soup all over herself and Zay casually mentioning the sexual tension between Riley and I smooth.

Yeah, I'm not talking to Zay anymore.

I made my way to detention, bubbles and waves taking the place of my stomach, and I knew it was so because of a girl named Riley Matthews.

But what I got in detention room was not the happy, chill vibe I was used to, no today it was filled with Lucas' yelling, Riley apologising and witty commentary by Brandon and Maya.

"What's going on?" I questioned, oblivious to what the fight was about.

"You!" Lucas roared as he came at me.

Just before he launched his fist into my face, Maya jumped onto his back.

"Calm down, Huckleberry. This isn't you." She whispered a few more things into his ear but that was all I heard.

"You know what? You guys aren't even worth it. Fuck the both of you. I hope you two have a nice damn life together," Lucas growled, shoving me out the way, as he left. Maya on his tail .

So, Lucas knows. What happens next? Will they be able to sort things out, maintain their group dynamic?

You guys' support means the world & I'm so thankful for it.

-Cassidy ➶

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