Chapter 11

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I woke up to a blurry version of my ceiling, I'd describe the image as what I would see if I was looking through a telescope smeared with Vaseline .

"Oh, you're awake !"

Suddenly the face of an angel hovered above mine, my blurry vision did nothing to hide her beauty.

An angel.

I must be dead .

Death by boobs, what a way to go out.

"Well, since you're an angel that must mean heaven exists and I'm in it, right? " I asked, slightly disorientated.

"Angel? "

Her joyous laughter filled the room.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it's just Riley."

"Riley. Angel. Same thing."

Had I actually said that aloud?

She laughed again, and it caused a violent wave of fluttering to erupt from the butterflies in my stomach .

"Your house is... wow."


"Doesn't it get lonely sometimes though?"

"These days more often than not, what with Zay being in the hospital."

"When's he coming back? "

"Soon, he's better and right now they're just waiting for his fractured knee to heal properly."

"That must've been some fight. I apologise on Lucas' behalf that fight wasn't like him."

"I know, 'The King of Abigail Adams High School does not condone violence', I've seen the posters."

"They're a bit pretentious aren't they?"

"Yeah, you guys' PR team suck."

"The posters were my idea," she deadpanned .

"Err I meant suck in like a good way? Like yeah you-" I stopped myself, there was no saving myself from that train wreck.

She gave me a smile and I interpreted it as 'it's okay'.

I presented her with a small smile of my own and sat up.

"So, a planetarium?" She asked, referring to my ceiling.

"I like being able to see the stars and planets whenever I need to, it makes my problems seem a little smaller and it kinda makes me feel almost closer to them."


"Yeah, I couldn't bare to not see her up there and even though the scientists in me disagrees, pluto will always be a planet in my room."

"I was so mad when they declared she was no longer a planet just because she's small . I remember writing NASA a strongly worded letter, that'd show them!"

I almost laughed at her innocence, she was so cute.

"I'm sure they felt your wrath."

"Nobody else was upset about it, nobody else cared. Why is that? Farkle you're a genius, why is that?"

"Pluto doesn't affect them, so they don't care. Human nature."

"Yeah and human nature will lead to our ultimate destruction."

Her bluntness caught me off guard.

"You. Me. Mars?" I offered, unsure of what else to say.

She nodded.

She actually nodded.

Suffice to say I didn't know what to do next, so I asked her where her physics books were.

She responded by pulling me in for a kiss .

It wasn't my first kiss but it felt like it, I felt so... unsure?

The uncertainty was soon replaced with lust as she nibbled on my bottom lip, I responded by placing my hands on her waist and kissing her as fiercely as she kissed me.

Our tongues battled for dominace and I won, kissing her with everything I felt .

We only stopped when we could no longer avoid the necessity of oxygen. Riley looked at me and I saw the guilt and regret written all over her face.

It stung.

"I've got to go."

And she left.

Vote. Comment. Fan. It's all very much appreciated guys .
-Cassidy ➶

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