A Poem

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Shall we go ever onward into the night?
Playfully flirting with a madman, a saint?
Can we tell what really is the right?
Will we ourselves succumb to the revelations we've tainted?
Marveling at what we've really just begun,
The song we sing out of tune and time,
Getting the words wrong, not humming it in order...

Dancing among the starts and stops of our everyday lives,
Swaying to and fro,
Closing our eyes until we can't see,
Eventually hitting the wall,
Falling off the cliff that just can't ever be real,
Stands the statute of...me,
Emotions are those pesky things we feel,
They are the real trouble it's obvious,
Still we can't see the forest from the trees,
The deceit we just can't believe.

Teachers tell us in classes so boring we sleep,
"Do this this way and you never go wrong"
Same old lie just a different song,
Sitting all in a row staring in silence at the master,
He waves his hands in motions that make no sense,
Droning on about a history that could never have been,
Doesn't matter they say, hence...
Two plus two has to equal something other then truth,
Because we told you that's why,
We would never lie!!
How dare you think for yourself that just isn't aloud,
Stop being so damn proud,
You didn't earn my trust...instead you earned my despise,
Lies, hate and scolding voices yelling at you,
The few, the cowering, the weak minded,
One sided truth is still a blind fold to reality,
Possibly the future adult bully parents forsee,
Hide in your room remain forgotten..

The voices in your head scream at you as you cry for hours,
You fight against a feeling that you've not been able to shake,
It's getting clearer, it's starting to take shape,
The mystery that you've not been able to make sense of,
Hatred? No..love..
A sign from above...
Nobody telling you that your a great, wanted cared about..
What's validation mean anyway,
They only lie saying they care,
With bulged out eyes looking at you...
The truth they despise,
Their child a demon seed spawned from lions that don't feel,
The fire of looks and fingers pointed, bullies and failures that to parents aren't real,
They don't know what hell is really like,
A daily fight in classes, in school, the park the pool, the shopping mall,
Your a bouncing ball about to go flat,
Thrown against that imaginary real wall,
A thousand foot tall reaction of something they can't understand,
They don't listen when you tell them help,
That it hurts and you don't know what to do,
It's always going to be up to you,
Make it work, depends on things that are known,
Inside hidden away you keep your heart safe,
It isn't to late, never to late..

Love yourself it's the best you'll ever be able to do,
Start by just excepting your not like everyone else,
That your not what others think,
Your not what they say with jealous rage,
A special, never before seen happening,
Your the only one of your kind,
There isn't another you no matter how one searches,
There are many like you but your the only one,
Hold onto that no matter what someone else says,
Today your just a small curiosity,
Tomorrow you grow a little stronger in yourself,
You ask for help along the way,
Until your the most amazing you can be...
Big or small, famous or obscure,
It's the common bond that will linger,
Lure you into confidence blinding,
Mindfulness you can't ignore because you don't want to..

Today spreads out into the vast realty you make,
What you take,
Life in every possible way,
A minute,a moment, an hour a day,
Just remember it's up to you to make happy last,
Contentment it's fleeting at best,
Who cares about the late and the rest,
Do your best, love yourself,
Choose your battles, make them count,
You can always turn around and start over,
Keep moving forward,
The past will never happen again so let it go,
You'll define you either good or bad,
Happy or sad,
Rich or poor,
Remembered or forgotten,
Loved or hated,
If you lived or just survived,
If your a failure that never tried,
Gave something back and made a difference to that friend,
The one that looked to you for strength,
You gave them that even if you couldn't for yourself,
Give to yourself the first fruits of your labor,
What is left is still stronger than what being fake can give,
Both suffer when you don't give that bit of feeling that is needed,
Heeded and held onto,
It works out...it really does all you have to do is give yourself that one simple thing...
Your believe..
Doesn't have to be true today,
Tomorrow it will be the truth more so then now,
Takes a step back...
Sorry for rambling on...

Adalaine Marie Robinson

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