thoughts to an angel

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Today was my birthday. She made it worthwhile. How? Just her being my friend mattered so much to me. I think about her all the time. When im feeling down I just have to think about her and I smile. Honestly I'm not used to anyone being able to do that. Not for me anyway. She's smart, funny, very pretty, fragile, strong, empathetic, just everything you could ever wish someone to be..and she's my friend. Circumstances dictate that friends is all we could ever be. It's ok tho. Sometimes friendship can mean so much more then a romantic relationship. She knows how I feel about her. She knows my past. She knows I'm way older then her..still she doesn't put me down because of that. I'm better off having known her and calling her a friend. She gives light to those areas of my life that are so dark. Shining on those areas I thought no-one could ever brighten. Yet she does. I'll never meet her irl..I know that yet it doesn't bother me because I still know her virtually..I know her that's all that matters. I'm smiling writing this knowing she will read it..knowing that you will smile. I don't say these words for any other reason then to let you know how very special you are to me. You let me in and showed me that I'm not tainted, that I'm not a freak and so much more. You let me know that I can...that I can do anything. You give me hope where there never was any. You brighten my days when before all I saw was darkness. You give me warmth when all I knew was cold..I can't thank you enough. I hope that we remain friends until I finally pass away into Jesus hand. My one regret is that I will have to go one day and I won't be there for you anymore. Thank you so much valkyrie.

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