chapter 11

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Disclaimer I do not own Hetalia or the music above the song has nothing to do with the chapter I just want it here as background music
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As the Italy brothers are walking around to house there was a peaceful quiet between them just enjoying each other's company. Northern Italy was wondering how his brother knew these children. After a few more minutes he decided to voice it.
"fratello how did you meet these children that live in this house?"
Surprisingly Romano did not yell at him yeah she just softly chuckled and said
" in the 1920s I live here how you lived still in Italy and I came to America to live for a little bit I ended up staying here. That's how I met the children I grew attached after a little while. At first I do have to admit they did irritate me but they grew on me after a certain amount of time."
He was shocked at what his brother said he did not expect this especially the loving Endearment that was in his brother's voice he's never heard him use the stone voice before. The way the voice sounded was a complete shock to him but he didn't want to lose it he's hurt his brother speak somewhat close to this tone to him but never to anyone else not even Spain. They continue their walk talking about the children Romano was explaining the children to his brother so he could get a better understanding of what was going on it who the children were. Throughout the conversation Northern Italy saw just how much his brother loved these children they each have their own nickname from him which they are earned in their own way he's wishing that he could be a part of it. He's always wanted a big family since his grandpa Rome faded away his family still we got smaller and smaller as they went on he would like to have a big family but he thought he just irritated everyone so he subconsciously distance to them himself a little bit not much but still a bit. He didn't realize where they were going until Romeno stopped. They stopped right outside of color for the door it was pastel colors. His brother looked at him was actually a loving smile and slowly open the door. They walk in and see if you children in there Italy could have name them but Rama know started reading them all with their own little nicknames which did not help him much. Northern Italy finally got a good look around the room. The room wasn't art room paints pencils pastels pallets fills the room canvases run the wall he felt like he was in heaven. Started going around the room asking each kid if what they painted or Drew all of them said yes this was their art room place where they could get as dirty as they want and not get in trouble. He started going around the room looking at each artwork and they realize they each varied from barely any skill to some like the ones that he would paint. They spend a few hours in the room just talking to the children Northern Italy never really got their names he was too distracted and having fun painting and drawing with them that he start giving out on their own little nicknames such as paint brush, pallet, canvas, Etc and he knew all the nicknames involved artwork or art in general but they just fit them so they kept them. After a good few hours just sitting in the art room and working on what they're doing Romo decide to show his brother a few other things so they leave the children wave enthusiastically at them as they leave. what Northern Italy is not know was that his brother was planning to take him to the music room and show him some really nice instruments and voices of the children but Northern Italy new that no matter where his brother took him he was going to have fun.
(Scene change brought to you bye marshmallows and peanut butter)

England and France were relaxing in the living room not the one where they sat in with the kids the one that was across the hall from it actually it was more of a den feels like just big oversized chairs a few couches and some of the walls were covered in bookshelves with a fireplace. For once they were not fighting for their were silently thinking that how did they not know that the ones that they raised did they have kids. They were sitting in silence for about 20 minutes until Norway walked into the room he had a child with him what are the little ones but the little one was clinging to him like it was dear life. The two ones rivals we're starting to get jealous at them thinking that there was to be them they raised America and Canada they should get the children clean and tell them not the nordics. Norway could sense the tension that was going on he looks at them with a face that read this is not your family you're the one who kidnapped our little boys my nephews Finland and Sweden children you don't deserve to have the children's love but if they choose to give it to you I'm not going to stop it. Honestly England and France did not know how they got all that from one facial expression but they got it. Norway walks  to one of the couches and sits down and starts to read a book with a little one is starting to doze on his chest. France leans forward to ask a question
" so what's this little one's name?"
England sits on the edge of a chair want to know that as well hoping that Norway will answer them. It was just a lil thick Norway did decide to answer
" this is Josh now be quiet he's trying to take a nap he is only in the body of a three-year-old"
the 2 shut up real quick letting the little ones sleep. This continued for a while until they heard allowed crash while Norway stayed with the kid England and France ran out of the room to go check it out what they found they didn't know if it was hilarious or worrisome.
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Hey guys thanks for being patient for me to update I hope you guys keep were reading sorry for spelling and grammar errors when I translated brother into Italian I did use Google Translate so let me know if it is wrong until next time the Long Live large and rock on my friends

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