Indie Meeting Perry

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Indie POV

Its been about a month since Jack met Perry and today I'm meeting her. I was sitting on the couch next to Zach who was eating icecream.

"You sure you need icecream?" I ask.

"Icecream is everything" He says, but since his mouth is filled with icecream it sounds like this "ishshrem is evaingting"

"Marry it then" I say.

"Ok I lied icecream isn't everything" he says, but it sounded like "k i wire ishshrem isant evaingting"

"Yeah. Chocolate comes first" I reply.

He laughs as Daniel makes a disgusted face.

"Ewww chocolate"

"Daniel your not human everyone loves chocolate" I state.

"Im sticking with icecream" Daniel replies.

"I like chocolate more" Zach says.
"Same" i agree.

"Well I'll ask Jonah" Daniel said.

Jonah walks down the stairs.

"I heard my name?" He said.

"Jonah. Do you prefer chocolate or icecream?" Daniel asks.

"Chocolate" Jonah say.

"Yay! Welcome to the club, fam!" I shout.

Corbyn walks downstairs as Jonah walks back up.

"Chocolate or Icecream?" I ask Corbyn.

"Chocolate?" Corbyn says, slightly confused.

"Ok, ok, I get it. Fuck you all" Daniel says, making Zach and I laugh while Corbyn stands there confused.

Everyone goes upstairs and I look down at my wrist.

I trace my fingers over my old cuts. It hasn't been exactly a year. ok I lied its December but still. I haven't cut for ages and that's a new record.

Jack walks in with Perry.

"This is Perry" Jack states.

"Not even a 'Hello Indie'?" I ask.

"Hello Indie this is Perry my girlfriend" Jack sighs.

"Hi im Indie I'm Jacks twin please don't cheat on him" I say which makes Jack frown.

"Don't say that!" He scolds.

"Im just saying! Jesus fuck!" I say.
"Im Perry" she replies.

"Nice to meet you" I comment.

"Nice to meet you two!" She answer.

"As again. Cheat on my brother I break your face" I warn

"Ok ok let's go now" Jack says, grabbing Perry's wrist before leaving.

I walk upstairs and sat down next to Corbyn.

"What's wrong?" He ask.

"Uhhhhh. I might of made a bad impression?" I say.


"I said to Perry 'if you cheat on Jack, I'll break your face' is that a bad thing?" I ask.

"I don't think so? Your just being a good twin" Corbyn says.

I nod and look down at my shoes.
"He's gonna be so mad though" I exclaim.

"Ohhhhh I'm sure it's not that bad" Corbyn says, sitting next to me.

"Have you seen Jack mad? Its like he is on his period but he is a boy not a girl" I explain.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure things won't get too far" Corbyn reassures me.

"Thanks." I grin.


I hear a door slam and my twin rushes up to the room.

"Corbyn can I speak to Indie in private?" Jack ask.

Corbyn nods before walking out.

"What was that for?" He ask.

I look down at my feet.

"Well?" He shouts.

"I don't know?! Its my first instinct!" I shout.

"Well thanks to you I could lose my girlfriend!" He yells.


"You shouldn't always be so protective of me!"

"Were twins, Jack. Do you expect me to just sit there without saying something!" I say.

"Oh my god!"

"Don't come crying to me when you find her fucking another boy" I say.

"I don't have to because she might not be my girlfriend!" He screams.

"Why do you always ruin everything Indiana! Ugh. I wish you never ruin everything!"

My face falls.

"I hope you start cutting again you worthless piece of shit!" He shouts.

I start crying as I tuck my knees up against my chest.

I hear the door open.

"Jack. You should leave" my boyfriend snaps.

Jack just looks shocked. He hates seeing me cry. He leaves anyways.

Corbyn sits next to me and hugs me as I continue to cry.

"I am a piece of shit. I always ruin everything!" I sob.

"Well. Your the most prettiest and amazing piece of shit ever!" Corbyn says.

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