Your sister?

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Maisy's pov
"Oh, come in, Scott, and give an old man a little something for his pain." The man Gerard said, Scott had told me about him on the way here after getting a call from Alison. I don't trust him, so I decided to go with my brother just incase he needs backup.
"You don't have to do this." Alison said to Scott.
"If you want me to talk, this is how it's going to happen" Gerard said
"If I do this, you have to tell us everything you know."
"Everything." He agreed as Scott took away some of his pain.
"They found a third body?" Gerard asked obviously being informed of our situation earlier, I'm guessing he knows about me too judging by the fact that he hasn't addressed the stranger in the room.
"Another doctor, right after Scott found Deaton." Alison said
"Right after? Almost like it was expected he'd survive."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"How do you know your dark druid isn't your wise veterinarian himself? Maybe he knew you'd find him. Maybe he planned it that way." Gerard said.
"He would never let anyone innocent die." Scott said.
"Don't be so sure. You'd be surprised how far some people would go to get rid of someone like Deucalion."
"Or someone like you?" Scott said.
"I don't go easily, though, do I? You know, Scott, you've made me something of a celebrity here. I'm a medical mystery. The cancer is now virtually undetectable, but the doctors have no clue why my body keeps producing and ejecting this bizarre black fluid."
"I did what you wanted me to do. Tell us how to beat him." Scott said.
"You can't. I've tried"
"Then this is a complete waste of time. He doesn't know anything. Sorry you did this. Let's go." Alison said.
"Wait. I can tell you one thing. Deucalion may have lost his eyes, but he's not always blind." Gerard said.
"He sees as a wolf?" I asked
"He's not always blind." Garard said as we left
"Maybe we can use it against him." Alison said.
"Maybe" Scott said
"Scott did he say it was a dark Druid doing this?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason. It's just good to know what I'm up against"

Stiles pov
"Where is she?" I asked referring to Lydia, rushing to the school after getting her call.
"Over here." Alison said leading me to Lydia as the heard Scotts bike pull up.
"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body." Lydia said
"You found a dead body?" I asked
"Not yet."
"Not yet"? What do you mean "not yet"? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body." I said.
"Oh, no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on."
"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body."
"Guys. I found the dead body" Maisy shouted from near the school sign where the body was.
"Maisy?" I asked Scott surprised to see her.
"Yeah we made up. And I kinda need to talk to you about that too" Scott said.
"Okay?" I said confused at what he would need to tell me.
"Excuse me. Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Back it up. I know what you're thinking. I know you've got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes..." dad said showing up.
"Dad, murdered, okay? Sacrificed, actually."
"I've got half the state, including the FBI, coming in on this. They're not getting away with killing one of our own."
"Dad, they killed Tara. You know, how many times did she help me with my math homework when I had to wait at the station for you?"
"Just, uh, go home, okay?"
"Okay" I said as the police cautioned off the area.
"So what happened? With Maisy?" I asked Scott as walked into the school.
"Deucalion turned Maisy" Scott said.
"He... I...wh- what?" I asked Scott
"He turned her, made her an alpha so she could join his pack"
"She's part of the alpha pack?"
"Our Maisy?"
"Your sister?"
"YES STILES MY SISTER" Scott yelled causing a few heads to turn to us.
"Okay, okay calm down we can fix this, we just get her to leave the pack, join you easy" I  said.
"Not easy"
"Why can't anything ever be easy?" I asked.
"Aidens her mate, they're in love. Besides even if they weren't she's afraid of Deucalion all I can smell is fear when she hears about him, she'd be to scared to leave" I said.
"Maisy's never been afraid of anything" I said.
"That's what scares me" Scott said.
"How exactly did he make her an alpha?" I asked remembering that you had to kill someone and steal their power.
"He made her kill Ennis. She didn't have a choice"
"That's sick. How could he do that to her? She's so innocent"
"I don't know, but he's going to pay for it" Scott said.

Maisy's pov
"Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes, all tools the writer uses to tell their story. Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents." Jennifer said looking at Lydias drawing of a tree.
"You and every guy I've ever dated." Lydia said making me laugh a little.
"Oh, um, well, that was an idiom, by the way. Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture. They're phrases that only make sense if you know key words. Saying "jump the gun" is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race, or a phrase like "seeing the whole board."
"Like chess." Stiles said.
"That's right, Stiles. Do you play?" Jennifer asked.
"Uh, no. My father does." Stiles said Jennifer nodded and head back to the front of her class.
"They won't tell me anything sorry. Deucalion has them in a gag order, he's afraid I'll tell you" I said to Scott
"I think I can get to Ethan. I'm pretty sure I can make him talk." Scott said
"What do you want to do that for?" Stiles asked
"The druids are emissaries, right? So what if the Darach was an emissary to the alphas?"
"Okay, first of all, I cannot believe that we've gotten to the point where a sentence like "what if the Darach was an emissary to the alphas?"
"First, that Actually makes sense to me. Second of all, we're gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan." Stiles said.
"What's that?" Scott asked.
"Going through Aiden. Ever since he's been back at school, they're always together. How are we gonna separate them again?" Stiles said causing Scott to look at me.
"I wanted to speak to Jennifer after this lesson" I said
"Who?" Stiles asked.
"Our teacher, miss Blake"
"Why didn't you just say miss Blake? Do you have to make things confusing?" Stiles asked.
"Maisy please" Scott asked ignoring stiles.
"What am I meant to do with him?" I Asked.
"Take him to coaches office like every other teenager in this school does" stiles said.
"Wow that sounds so romantic" I said sarcastically.
"Pleaseeeee Mai" Scott said.
"Fine. I'll just ask miss Blake if I can talk to her this afternoon before she leaves. I never thought I'd see the day you actually wanted me to do something with Aiden" I said going back to my class work.

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