duct tape - allison argent

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— pairing: fxf
— warnings: swearing
— summary: allison thinks that stiles' mechanic is quite cute

"I'm telling you Stilinski, Roscoe is going to break down any second!" Argued Stiles' new friend, and mechanic, Y/N. She had been trying to convince Stiles to stop at the car shop that her family owned for quite some time now.

It all started when the old jeep broke down outside of school, and Y/N being the nice person that she is, she rushed to help the boy that she shared Biology class with. She became suspicious when Stiles tried to say that everything was alright, and that she should head to class. Not believing him, she helped anyways. A wave of disappointment filled her when they opened the car and found out that everything was covered in duct tape.

"No, she's not!" Stiles put on his defensive side and tried to reason with the mechanic. "I don't want your help anyway,"

"Says the boy who basically begged me to help him two weeks ago?" Asked Y/N with a smug smile on her face, knowing that she had won the argument already. Just in time for History.

They pulled up to Stiles' locker, Y/N already having her stuff ready to go. Stiles punched in his locker combination and opened his mouth to say something even more obnoxious than before when he was cut off.

"You arguing about Roscoe again?" Said a new voice, belonging to Stiles' next locker neighbor, Allison. "It's the fifth time this week, Stiles. Take a hint, please,"

"Yes! Thank you!" Exclaimed Y/N happily and pointed to Allison while Stiles slammed his locker shut and crossed his arms over his chest.
"She definitely knows what's up,"

Allison smiled at the other girl with love in her eyes, something that Stiles picked up and he raised his eyebrows in question.

"C'mon, Stiles, we're gonna be late," Allison said, refusing to make eye contact with anyone for that matter. She then grabbed a hold of Stiles and basically dragged him away from you.

"Why'd you do that!?" Stiles said, loud and clear front everyone standing in the hallway to hear. "Please don't tell me that you have a crush on my mechanic."

"It's not a crush," Allison tried to defend herself, while a not so subtle blush started to spread across her cheeks. "She, she's just really pretty,"

Stiles' sighed, knowing that if Allison got a crush she would want to spent more time with Y/N and that would result in her 'fixing' Roscoe even if she was fully functioning. On the good side he could use that discount Y/N had offered him earlier this week.


Stiles had offered Allison a ride home and she agreed, but only on her terms. The brunette girl wanted them to take a new route home for unknown reasons, but Stiles guessed that Allison wanted to see if Y/N was outside working on customers cars in the hot weather.

Stiles had agreed since he had nothing to do that afternoon and put his car key in the key hole and then revved up the engine. Allison was over the moon when they arrived and that saw you waving their way.

"Not that useless, huh?" You laughed at Stiles' bitter facial expression. Finishing your work on a car, you stood up walked up to the pair.

"It was actually Allison's idea to come here," Stiles argued, throwing his flannel clad arms up in defence.

"Well then I'm thanking the beautiful lady for that," you said while winking Allison's way. As soon as Allison saw your action, her cheeks started doing the same thing that they always did when you looked her way, blossoming into that wonderful colour that you absolutely loved. She looked down to prevent any embarrassing and unwanted comments, while her perfectly curled, brown hair covered parts of her face.

"Let's get started, shall we?" You said, holding out a hand for Allison to grab. "Want to help me?"

Smiling, she grabbed your hand and let you take her away further into the shop.

hope you like it! (pls tell me if you want a second part!)
- 🌈

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