Chapter 20- The walk down memory lane

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The whole dinner was spent with gramps asking Kartik about all his life decisions and crucially judging him on those decisions. I on the other hand ate really fast to get the hell out of here.

"Can I show Kartik my bedroom?" I asked gramps during our dessert course of the dinner.

She looked at me and then Kartik. And then back at me. She did a quick nod and went back to eating.

Ahh the words of silence.

"Let's go," I said and took him by his hand.

We started walking towards my room. Throughout the hallways there were many pictures of me from my school, college, and the most iconic baby pictures. He was smiling throughout all of them making me smile at his expression.

When we reached my room a sudden nostalgia hit me. I mean my childhood wasn't the best but I did have some good memories. For example, every time gramps came over she would tell everybody what to do and how much my mother hated that. And in between all of that my father and I would always go out and eat ice cream.

I didn't have the best relationship with my mom. I mean how can you when you see your mother taking care of her step daughter who is the same age as you get loved and cherished while you, her own daughter is neglected. You know what I mean?

"How old are you in this picture?" Kartik's voice brought me back to reality.

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

He smiled at me and held the photo frame up so that I could see it. It was a picture of me holding up those big sunglasses you find at a carnival on my face as my tongue was sticking out. It was one of my least favorite pictures. It looked like I was so confused that my picture was being taken.

And because it was my least favorite picture. Of course, Amit framed it and gave that to me on my 19th birthday.

"I was 2 years old." I smiled at the memory of Amit giving me the frame.

"It's cute." he said with his stupid grin.

My heart skipped a beat. He looked so perfect at this moment. In my childhood bedroom looking at my childhood photos. His smile never left his face since the moment he entered the house.

Suddenly I was feeling guilty for all the questions my family has asked him. He didn't deserve that. He deserved a family who believes in his dreams instead of people who tarnish it. And as long as he is with me nobody will believe in him.

"Kartik do you want to go home?" I asked looking at him softly.

He looked at me and shook his head in a no. "I want to look at your childhood pictures." He gave me his stupid grin. I couldn't help but smile back at that.

"That's a little creepy Kartik," I said chuckling.

"Is it?" he chuckled as well, "shit! Sorry."

"That's okay."

There was an awkward silence. We both avoided each other's gaze for a while. I looked up at him to find him staring at another baby picture of me that hung on the wall. He seemed very mesmerized by it. A constant smile was playing on his lips.

"This one is really cute," he said probably feeling my gaze at him as he looked at me after.

I looked down feeling embarrassed. One, by being caught. And second, because that was a very embarrassing picture. And somehow a really hot guy looking at your weird baby pictures doesn't help anybody's case.

"I can't wait to have babies." I heard him say from in front of me.

I looked up at him in a jolt. I wasn't expecting that. He was still looking at my picture as he smiled up at me. His smile fell as his gaze met mine. Realizing that what he had said was very inappropriate. He kept closing his mouth and opening it. He looked down feeling shy as his hand instantly went up to scratch the back of his head. He looked up slowly while biting his lip. He had a small smile playing on his lip. His eyes were brighter than usual and the wrinkles on his forehead had formed a horizontal line.

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