Chapter 21- The fear of darkness

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Have you ever been so tired that you want to sleep really really bad?

The feeling of the cold air conditioned room with a white blanket wrapped around you and the love of your life: your bed; to make you cozy. The feeling you get when you just want to put those soft pillows underneath you and cuddle yourself to bed.

But then there are some enemies that keep you away from your love. And one of the biggest one is your brain. It knows that it needs rest. It knows that your whole body needs rest. But then it still fills you up with memories and thoughts that keeps you up.

What did he mean by falling?

Maybe he fell of a bed.

No! He said he fell for YOU!

Did he mean by falling of the bed for me?

But that doesn't make any sense. I was way too tired to think. But all I could do was think. If he said he fell for me then why did he never come and talk to me? And has he still been fallen for me?

I was still awake and it had been hours since I had been tossing and turning on my love. But then all of a sudden my night light flickered in my room. I turned my head to look at it when it just turned off making my room pitch dark. My heart dropped in fear.

I got up and pulled the blanket off of me. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and ran down the stairs. I was going to go to Pinki aunty's house. I had done it before. When the lights go out at night I go to her house and sleep in her daughter's room. She was 8 years old and was much braver than me.

I was halfway down the stairs when I noticed a dim light in my living room. It was Kartik who was on his laptop. I shone the flashlight on his face. He squinted and looked up at me. He had his glasses on and didn't have his t-shirt on. I walked down the stairs all the way and started running towards the door.

"Myra?" Kartik stood up and walked towards me. I was opening the door right now.

"Where are you going?" Kartik came and stood by me.

"Pinki aunty's house," my breath was hoarse. I was struggling to get the door open as my fingers were shaking in fear.

"Why?" He placed a hand on my finger.

"Because the lights are out," I finally got the chain opened and started unlocking the door, "and I can't sleep without the lights."

"Myra wait," he held my arm and turned me around. I could barely see a glimpse of his face.

"No! I have to go," I tried turning around and getting away from him. I could feel sweat all over me.

"Myra what's wrong? Talk to me I'm right here." He held onto my arm.

"Nothing is wrong," I removed his hand and went for the door, "I just have a fear of dark."

Right as I was about to get out of the house I felt a hand around my waist pulling me back. I felt his hard chest on my back as he hugged me from the back while holding me in place.

"Calm down," he whispered near my ear making me shiver.

My breath was becoming calmer and calmer. I felt his nose on my shoulder moving towards my neck. Instead of pushing him away I moved my neck to the side giving him more access.

"I'm right here," he whispered in a hoarse breath.

"It's really hot," I responded like an idiot.

He chuckled. His breath fanning my neck. I was sweating all over the place. I could feel his body shift as he held me in closer. His body was hard and wet from all the sweat. The only thing separating us was my t-shirt which was clinging on to his wet chest.

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