The Start

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Sitting in my math class, bored out of my mind, an announcement was played over the campus. "You are excused to your dorms and houses and advised to stay there until cleared to come out." A low rumble of confused voices erupted. I stood up worried and started to walk to my house right off campus. People were rushing past me and one person nocked my books and papers out of my hands. I kneeled down to pick them up and a guy kneeled down to help me. I shot him a smile and he smiled back, seconds later he was tackled by a man wearing an FSU sweatshirt.

The man ripped into his face, stunned I couldn't move I just watched as this guy ripped into his face and neck. Another person hit me and it snapped me out of this fear stricken state. I started to run Tears streamed down my face making it hard to see, but I could make out the same scenes, people tearing into other people. It made me run faster.

5 minutes later I arrived at my rented 1 story house, I struggled to put the key in, but it finally found its way. I unlocked the door and rushed in shutting and locking it behind me. I fell to the ground breathing hard, what the fuck is going on. I rushed to the TV and turned it on, every channel was a public safety announcement except for one news channel that was showing the chaos. Outside I heard screams, more tears fell from my eyes.

Pounding on the door caught my attention. "Please let us in... we saw you go in here , we're not going to hurt you, please let us in." A male said in a hurried tone.

"please, there's only us two, we are too far from our home. You need to let us in or we are going to die!" A female yelled terrified.

I slowly walked to the door. "Do you have weapons?"

"No, no we don't." the male replied

I unlocked the door and they rushed in and slammed the door shut, The man walked around checking all of the windows and locking them along with the back door. "Hey! what are you doing?!" I yelled at them.

"Don't worry, we know what we're doing." The woman looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

The man came back and looked out the front window. "Its the Apocalypse, Me and Angela know what to do, how to survive."

I gasped "what do you mean the apocalypse?"

"I mean the 'disease' that's been going around turns people into monsters... Zombies, if you will." The man replied.

I looked down thinking of my friends and family and if id ever see them. The girl looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey." she said sympathetically "What's your name?" she asked. I didn't reply.

"oh, uhm, well my name is Angela, this is my husband Joey." She gestured to him. "We want to help you, but you need to help us as well."

"Delilah.." I said quietly.

"Hi Delilah, are you willing to help us?" she asked talking as if I was a frightened child, which I basically was.

"Ya I will try."

"Okay you need to go grab all of your stuff and put it in a backpack or something. We need to leave the city." Angela told me.

"But while we're here we need to go to the store before other people realize what is going on and get all of the stuff before we do." Joey said as I emptied my backpack, containing my school supplies, and stuffed clothes into the largest pocket.

"Delilah you need to hurry up a little bit, okay sweetie?" Angela said and I gave her a small nod. "Do you have canned goods? or spices or anything?" She asked.

"Ya in the kitchen, there is another bag next to the door." I was referring to the Ferris State bag I got the first day I went to the college.

I went into my bathroom and grabbed all of my pills. I know they wont last long but being as mentally stable as possible was what I needed. I finished packing and Joey was standing next to the door, my bag slung over his shoulder.

"You have a car?" Joey asked. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and handed them to him. He mumbled a great and we walked out. Slowly at first, then a run. We hopped in the car and he sped off before we were able to buckle up.

"Okay, you both will do as I say. We're going to the store, we'll go to the hunting section together and get a weapon. Then we'll go to find backpacks or duffle bags or whatever to carry things. Delilah leave your bag in the car." He sighed, Thought for a second then continued. "I will get water, Angela you will get Food, Delilah you will get meds and stuff like that. We will meet up back at the car, Ill park it towards the back and leave it unlocked, so hopefully no one will try and steal it. If one of you gets to the car first, get in and lock the doors, wait for the others for ten minutes, if we don't come back you will go back and try to find the others. If you cant find them go back to the car and wait, if it gets over a certain time then leave. Try to avoid the Zeros as best you can, if they get to close Head shots only, try to damage the brain." Joey rushed out as quickly as possible.

"Zeros?" I asked as I grabbed a Xanax out of my bag and popped it in my mouth.

"He means the diseased." She paused. "Delilah they will attack you and they wont stop until you're dead."

I nodded in response. We got there in under 5 minutes, weaving around other cars, people, and zeros he swung the car around to the back and off to the side. There weren't much of anything over here, only a few cars. We got out of the car and ran as fast as we could towards the front of the store and into it. It wasn't as full as I expected, but there was still a lot.

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