Starting it off with heartbreak

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So yesterday Saturday September 31 my best friend texted me and she said. ( I'm switching the real guys name to Dark ) "Dark is at hoco". Hoco is homecoming in case you guys were wondering  and I didn't want to go since I was a freshmen and I had plenty of other years to come also it was fucking 30$. I simply text her back " Okay is he with someone" keep in mind he is always saying that he is single. It takes a while for her to text back so I text her again. " Hey it doesn't matter if he is with someone I don't really care no biggie right?". She texted me back the words I knew I was going to hear but slightly wanted it to be fake " He is with a girl". Now I text her back " Well hope you have fun and I'm going to bed " I wasn't  tired at all I was just sad and didn't want to talk about it I've liked this guy ever since I moved here which wasn't to long but long enough to feel something.  When I wake up the next morning I look at my phone like all kids my age do and I see a text from my friend I debate weather or not to open it up but I do. " Damn Dark isn't innocent he is dirty dancing" great my hearts not only breaking but it's being stepped on. So as the person I am not wanting to show the emotions only the emotions  that I want people to see I text her " 😂😂That's so funny ". Now as I'm writing this I'm slightly crying but not as much because of Dark but because I will not show anymore emotion to him and I know I will act different and I really do miss are really funny conversations and laughing my ass off when he says something. But now we can't do that .............

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