Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

I know Lauren is having a bad day, but her attitude toward everyone was uncalled for. I’ve never gotten mad at her before, so I guess this will be a test to see how our fights go. I hate fighting; I especially hate fighting with someone I love so much.

I eventually get my clothes off and change into my pajamas. I’m worried about Lauren walking around out there with as tired as she is. I know she didn’t take her truck, which is the only thing keeping me at bay. I want to jump in my car to find her. I worry, but then I remember what she said about having a babysitter. I go into the kitchen and pull down a bottle of wine. I don’t drink a lot, but it’s one of those days.

I pour myself a glass while I go to the fridge to pull out some grapes and cheese to go with my crackers. I didn’t eat at all at the luncheon, so I’m starving now.

I’m tired. I wanted to come home and curl up with my girlfriend, but her attitude killed that plan. As I drink my wine and finally get some food into my stomach I start to calm down. I won’t apologize for telling her I didn’t want her around, because I didn’t, but I understand why she’s so snappy.

I keep my eye on the clock and after two hours pass I finally give in. I pick up my cell phone to call Lauren. If she doesn’t have her phone on her I might scream.

If she does have her phone on her, she’s not answering it. I get her voicemail but at least I know she didn’t send me to her voicemail. That doesn’t make me worry less.

I sigh and decide to shoot her a text message.

Me: Come home please. I need to kiss your face.

I set my phone down and finish my glass of wine. When I don’t hear back from her right away I get up to start pacing the kitchen. What if she fell or bumped her head on something again. What if she’s too tired and passed out. I know it’s irrational, but that’s where my brain goes.

By the time I finish the bottle of wine and start to clean up my snack mess another hour has passed and I still haven’t heard from her. Now I’m half drunk and I can’t go out to look for her. Way to go, Mila.

I sigh and go to sit on the couch. I want to call Jessica, but this is not the day to call her to whine about my girlfriend walking around on her own. At least I still have her here with me. Instead I lie down to wait for her. The sun is down and I know it’s cold out there, sprinkling too. My other option is to call Clara, but she’d just tell me to let her freeze if that’s what she chooses to do. She loves her daughter, but she also knows she’s an adult, capable of taking care of herself. I know that too.

I’m just starting to doze off when I hear the front door open. I don’t know how long she’s been gone at the point, but it’s well over three hours.

My eyes open and I’m sure she can tell I’ve been crying as she stares at me.

Lauren closes the door and heads back toward the bedroom without a word.


I get up to follow her.

“Am I getting the silent treatment now?” I ask quietly, leaning on the door jamb.

“You set the table. I’m just sitting at it,” she answers as she takes off her uniform. I notice what looks like sawdust on her shoes.

“Where’d you go?”

“My house.”

“I’m not mad anymore, but I’m not sorry either.” I don’t think she realizes what a dick she was being. “I just want to hug you, but I’m not sure if you’ll accept it.”

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