Chapter 8

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It's been three days since Normani and Dinah last interacted.Their lowkey make out session was interrupted by Lauren barging into their dorm like she always does,just to ask for,or rather take Dinah's car keys to go on some stupid date.

Dinah couldn't have cared less about her car in that moment,she smacked Lauren upside her head and shoved her out the door as quickly as possible.She hoped that Normani and her would go back to what they were doing but it just felt awkward and weird.

Normani was kissing her like there was no tomorrow and she felt like she was on cloud nine.Normani's lips felt soft and tasted like heaven,her touch burned Dinah's skin in the most positive way you could imagine.She wanted more,but the last few days gave her less and less.

Normani never thought she'd be the silent type but here she was,not saying a word.They only exchanged "Good morning" and "Good night" greetings and occasional looks,other than that they tried not to be around each other.

However,Normani still slept in Dinah's bedroom because Dinah refused to let Normani sleep on the couch.

A few hours ago Normani sat down on the couch to read her book,Dinah left the house only saying a quick "bye" before leaving.

Normani was concerned because it was almost 10:30PM and Dinah still wasn't back home.Just as she was contemplating on calling her,the door opened with Dinah absentmindedly throwing her car keys on the kitchen counter and walking towards the couch.

The couch was Dinah's bed,Normani felt like she needed to leave so Dinah could sleep.

The blonde girl sat down next to Normani,closer than she expected her to.She closed her book and avoided looking at Dinah as she was about to get up but then she felt Dinah's hand on her thigh pushing her down to stay.

"Don't leave",Dinah said in a low,raspy voice.She felt Normani tensing up and she removed her hand.

Normani just stared at the wall in front of her,nodding a little.
She was scared.

She was scared because a part of her felt guilty for kissing Dinah.Not because she didn't like her or because she regretted it,but because she felt like she maybe pushed Dinah to do it when she wasn't ready.

"I want to talk,I m-",Dinah decided to leave out the next thing she was going to say.Maybe it was too soon.

"Umm",was all Normani could say at the moment.

"I drove around town a little to clear up my mind,and I can't stand to be like this around you",Dinah let it all out,she missed Normani.She really did.Not even in a sexual way,but she missed talking to Normani and hearing her voice and laugh.

"I was worried about where you were,you left without a word.",Normani finally managed to look at Dinah and start talking.

"I thought you didn't care because of the way we've been these past few days",Dinah restrained herself from accusing Normani of starting their silence but she knew it wasn't entirely her fault.

"You know I care,I just-",Normani let out a sigh,how was she going to explain to Dinah that she felt guilty.

"Continue,please",Dinah wanted to know what was bothering her,Normani started the kiss too,was she regretting it?

"Did you want to kiss me?",Normani blurted out interrupting Dinah's thoughts.

"Of course,I would've stopped you if I didn't",Dinah stated as a matter of fact.

"You promise?",Normani felt a stone fall of her heart.

"Yes Mani,I wanted to kiss you since I first met you.Gosh.",Dinah smiled.

Normani missed that smile,that heartwarming smile.

She reached over to grab Dinah's hand,they intertwined their fingers together.

"I know it may be hard to believe but I don't want to rush things",Normani said with a serious tone.She really didn't,she really liked Dinah but she didn't want to ruin it for the both of them by rushing in,she still doesn't regret kissing her though.

"Oh,so is it too much to ask you out on a date?",Dinah thought it out already,if they're going to do this,they're going to do it the right way.

"Maybe,but I'll take you up on that offer",Normani laughed,happy about Dinah's decisiveness.

"Oh really",Dinah smirked leaning in to kiss Normani on the cheek.
She closed her eyes and brushed their noses together softly and then moved her head to the right to kiss her cheek carefully,leaving Normani breathless.

"Kiss me.",Normani whispered.

Dinah moved back a little and leaned in close enough to brush her bottom lip with Normani's,just as she felt Normani move her lips she pulled back.

"Go change into your bathing suit and put something comfortable over it.",Dinah decided a two day trip to her families lakehouse would top any date she could imagine.

"What?",Normani asked confused.

"You heard me,we're going on a date.",Dinah smiled,poking Normani in her side,rushing her to go.

"Okay okay,I'm going Dinah Jane,just give me a minute",Normani laughed getting up from the couch and making her way to her bedroom.


Hello lovelies,here is chapter 8! :)
As always,thank you for the amazing support,it pushes me to do more and better than before.

(P.S. Happy Halloween month!Boooo! 👻🎃)

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