Chapter 10

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"Becky?",Normani barely managed to say the name without stuttering.


The girl that broke her heart and made her swear off of love a few years back.Normani almost didn't recognize her but her voice still sounded as familiar as the day she left her.What was she doing here?

"Umm,Becky?",Dinah looked back and forth between them,confused.

"Normani?",Becky still looked at Normani,exactly knowing what she was thinking.She ignored Dinah,pretending that she wasn't there,but still wondering who she was to Normani.

Normani looked at her lap not knowing what to do,she moved her head to look at Dinah,just to see her looking back with a worried look.Normani knew that Dinah could sense her fear.

The Polynesian put her defenses up and turned towards,officer Gomez,as it was written on her nametag.

"I reckon that you two know each other,what do you need?",Dinah tried to step in for Normani,she didn't know how they knew each other but frankly she didn't care.She just didn't
want Normani to be scared or nervous.

"Normani can talk for herself,puta.",the officer snapped at Dinah,and looked back at Normani,smirking.Dinah looked at her shocked and furious,who the fuck does she think she's talking to?

"You can,right?",she continued smirking at Normani.Dinah looked at Normani,she looked so small and surprisingly not so shocked at the way the officer was talking to them.

"Don't talk to her or me in that way",Normani spoke stopping Dinah in her tracks.Dinah was ready to snap the officers neck.

"Ohh what do you know,she can talk",Becky giggled at her own so called joke,it was an evil giggle.

"Back off!",Dinah snapped aggressively at the officer.

"Becky,leave us alone,what do you want anyways?",Normani put the fear away and was now just mad.She knew that Becky wouldn't back down.For fucks sake,the girl cheated on her and still made her life a living hell for three months after that.It was insane how creepy and invasive she was.She just hoped that the girl changed in the few years they haven't seen each other,even though it didn't seem like it right now.

"I just wanted to ask how you were doing sweetheart,we haven't seen each other for almost three years",Becky softened up but Dinah was still ready to punch her right in the face.

"First of all,don't call me that.Second of all,there is a reason for why we haven't seen each other and third of all,I was doing great until you showed up",Normani was really mad now,what even gave Becky the right to stop them like this,on duty,just to be rude and invasive?

Becky stepped back a little when she realized how she was acting,she really just wanted to know how Normani was doing.

Dinah was pleasantly surprised by Normani's clap backs,it was attractive.Dinah reverted her attention back to the officer.

"You should leave.I'm sure your boss would be delighted to hear about you stopping people to harass them during duty",Dinah flashed a fake smile at her.

Normani looked back to read Becky's license plate number,she typed it down into her phone that she took out of her pocket in the meanwhile.Becky was arguing with Dinah and she eventually managed to shut Becky up,Normani looked towards them.

"Are we allowed to leave,officer?",Normani asked,as politely as she could.

Becky just huffed and backed off of the window,she knew she acted like an asshole.

"I'm sorry,you can leave",she said honestly.She still needed to work on herself,it's no wonder Normani didn't want to talk to her.She cheated on her,broke her heart and than made her feel like it was her fault but she still expected Normani to respect her?

She realized how stupid that was and took the little honor that she had to apologize again.She did feel bad,she had no right to do any of this.

Becky left,Normani and Dinah decided not to report her after her almost genuine apology.

"She was still a bitch",Dinah told Normani as she started her car up.

"I know,she acted like that for most of the years I've known her",Normani sighed,she didn't expect any of this to happen.

"How long were you together?",Dinah asked genuinely,she thought that it would make Normani feel better if she talked about it.

"We were together for two years,but she continued to stalk me for three months after that.",Normani did want to talk about it,she felt like she needed to share that part of her life with Dinah.

"Why did you even date her?You don't seem like the type to date assholes like her."

"I know it's cliché but she wasn't like that before.She was sweet and caring but we were seventeen and she started to hang out with the wrong crowd,which lead her to cheating on me and that's that.",Normani wrapped it up,she was long over Becky.

They talked a bit more about their past relationships,they laughed at Dinah's crazy story about her five day relationship in preschool and seriously talked about Normani's insecurites after being cheated on.

They finally arrived at the lakehouse,they couldn't see anything due to it being the middle of the night but they still sat in the car admiring the beautiful moonlight hitting the lake water.

"I know this may be cheesy but I'd never do anything to hurt you",Dinah turned her head to Normani,she did mean it.They say never say never but she would truly hate herself if she ever hurt Normani.

"I know",Normani turned towards her and smiled.Dinah took Normani's hand and brought it up to her lips,she softly kissed the top of her hand and squeezed it after.

"Can we go in or do you want to spend the night in the car?",Dinah laughed already knowing the answer to that question.They both got out of the car,Dinah getting out first to open the door for Normani.

They walked hand in hand towards the front of the house,both excited for the next two days they'll be spending with each other.


Here is chapter ten!I had the inspiration to write today so I'm just going to update today and tomorrow too!Why?Because I can. ;)

Also I love miss Becky G in real life,she isn't a bad person in this fic,just someone who made mistakes. :)

Thank you for the comments and favorites,they make me happier than you could imagine!Love you guys,enjoy!💕

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