Chapter 1

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Three days, herbal cleanse, enough water to drown a horse; there's no way I won't pass

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Three days, herbal cleanse, enough water to drown a horse; there's no way I won't pass. Alex goes through the list over and over in her head in order to slow her palpitating heart and shaking hands. She knew about this drug screening a week in advance this time -thanks to her boyfriend, Matt- so she had time to prepare. It still doesn't make it any less stressful.

"Girl, there is nothing else that proves you are ADHD more than making you wait in line," Annabelle teases, "you look like the energizer bunny, hopping the way you are!"

If she only knew the real reason."I can't help it, it's been two hours!"

Annabelle drops her head back and laughs before she answers, her wild gingersnap ringlets bouncing down her back. "it's been five minutes, Lex! Five!"

"Exaggerate much, Matts-girlfriend?" Ezekiel grumbles as he swats Annabelle's hair out of his face.

"It's Alex, Zee," She jabs at his irritating version of a moniker with her own. Like Prince or Sting, there was only one name you called the man in the Mr. Rogers-worthy sweater-vest, and it was certainly not "Zee".

"It's Ezekiel, Matts-girlfriend," he replies dryly. Alex is fighting a losing battle, she knows that.

Both of the girls roll their eyes and ignore the brooding Eeyore behind them. He always got extra snippy when he didn't have his laptop, and this is one instance he's not allowed. The school was trying a new random drug test system which isolated certain floors of residence halls -this time at least. They had to work out a schedule though, and that's how Alex snuck around and got the advance notice.

The uniformed campus police shifts against the wall opposite of her. For some reason, she is constantly aware of his movements. She secretly hopes that he hasn't already notice her hands, drumming against her thigh as though she was playing chopsticks in her head. She has to remind herself that there's no neon sign flashing above her head, that even though it was against school rules, her taking her prescribed medication is not, in fact, illegal. She isn't some junky, she is a run-of-the-mill art student that struggles with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. She just happens to go to a school that had a zero tolerance policy for any schedule II drug and above. Uhg.

"Is Matt coming?" Annabelle asks while she stands on her toes and looks around.

Alex shakes her head, "he's working today, so he did it at the counselors this morning. He's probably up there taking roll." She nods towards the front of the line. A few minutes later, and the dark -perfectly coiffed and shaped- head of hair proves her correct.


Alex raises an eyebrow at her boyfriend. He just smiles a bit wider.

She decides to play along, "Alex."

His silence prompts her to continue.

She sighs, "Alex winters."

Still nothing.

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