•how jealous they get•

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(On a scale from 1-10)

Bill: 6/10
-depends he doesn't get jealous often, so when he does its usually for a good reason.

Richie: 10/10
-he gets jealous very easily, and usually over nothing. He doesn't like anyone flirting with you or looking at you in a way he doesn't like, because your his and only his and he likes to make it very clear.

Eddie: 7/10
-He doesn't always understand jokes and gets a little protective of you. So he'll get jealous fairly often and it will take some reassuring to calm him down

Stan: 11/10
-He is probably the most jealous. You and him are not really into pda, but if he feels threatened he makes it clear your his and only his. It takes a lot of reassuring for him to stop being jealous. You honestly think he's cute when he's jealous, but you think he shouldn't feel everbody is going to take you.

Mike: 3/10
-Trusts you, not always other people. He rarely gets jealous so if he does clearly somethings up

Ben: 2/10
-totally trustworthy of others and you almost never gets jealous maybe once or twice

Beverly: 9/10
-since you guys are lgbtq+ in a time where its rarely accepted she's paranoid of losing you and she can't exactly say out loud that your dating so jealously is what she resorts to.

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