•giving hickey's•

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-acts awkward, but secretly thinks its
R E A L L Y hot
-stutters like crazy
- uhhhh yyy-//nn
- do you want me to stop?
- I didn't saay thaat..
- brags to Eddie the next day
-is proud of them, but still keeps it on the
d o w n l o w

- oooh y/n you a freak
-wants you to leave more
-thinks its really H O T
-don't stop won't stop moaning
-tells the world about it
-shows everyone
- "jeesh Richie what happened to your neck it looks like you got in a fight with a vacuum cleaner"

- um y/n what are you doing-
- ahh fuck y/nnn
-embarrassed by his moans
- scared his mom will find out
-wears turtle necks for weeks
- kinda wants more, but won't admit it
- Braggs about it to Richie
- Wow wheezy is finally getting laid!

-teases you about then gives you more hickies
-moans super loud
- let's just say he's a boy in the streets, but a H O T jewish man in the sheets
- braggs to Richie
"Jeez y/n you're a leach"
- shows them off and embarrasses you in front of the other losers
- "Stan if you don't button that top button so help me!"

-thinks there cute
-doesn't make it a big deal
-covers them up good except when Richie says he can't girls
-smirks when the losers talk about hickies
-thinks its adorable when you get embarrassed

-asks for more
-shows them off to the other losers
-teases you
-teases Richie about how she gets more action in a week then he'll get in his lifetime
- laughs about it

So yeah this isn't so sfw, but I don't really care if its what the people want its what the people want leave requests down below

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