•cute things you do•

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cute things /moments together

•crimping his hair and making him look fabulous
•baking cupcakes either binging on them together or sharing with the losers club
•feeding each other those cupcakes wedding style
•scrapbooking cute memories together
•just lying next to each other enjoying the others presence
•him being all shy when he does romantic gestures
• but honestly when is any moment with him not cute

•dodging his kisses, him licking your face after bc he's brat
• but cute none the less
•awfully singing together
• trying to recreate the dirty dancing scene
•failing, but still having fun
•doing goofy voices together
•booping each other's noses often
•braiding his hair seeing how curly it can get
•staring at each other trying to get the other person to smile

•watching movies together
•snuggling + cuddling
•cute, shy kisses often
•holding hands while walking to class
•him always trying to carry your stuff
•bc you're his princess and he likes to treat you like that
•laying your head on his shoulder during bus rides

•love letters in your locker
•coming to your house in the middle of the evening with a boombox a top his shoulders
•serenading you with nkotb bc he's precious
•listening to new kids on the block together
•doing homework together
•hugging most definitely

•him attempting to do your hair
•succeeding bc baby boy don't mess around
•tickle fights
•building forts in your room
•making really stupid improvised skits together
•feeding the animals on the farm together

•wearing each other's clothes
•constantly having sleepovers
•making matching friendship bracelets for the losers club at one of these sleepovers
•pillow fights
•soft kisses on the nose
•constant hugging at school
•doing each others hair
•taking cute photos and hanging them all over the wall

•walking him to the pharmacy
•holding hands ofc
•sweet passionate kisses
•going to school dances and taking adorable photos
•being goofy together
•having stupid inside jokes nobody understands
•again staring at each other trying to get the other person to smile

I don't know what you call it, but it's so damn cute I constantly do it with people. Just staring at the other person until they smile it's just the cutest thing.

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