Chapter 1 - Mr. Woods

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The club was crowded today, the people on the dance floor were really enthusiastic, the energy around the club was amazing. Nights like these were the nights I didn't quite mind working at the club. It wasn't that I did not enjoy my job but if I could pass on working nightshifts on school nights I would. Glancing at the busty blonde in front of me I noticed she only had eyes for the amazing Brandon, my co-worker. She was swooning over him, not even hiding the fact that she was undressing him with her eyes. Biting back a chuckle I handed the blonde her drink and raised an eyebrow at her when she beckoned me over. Not wanting to be rude to her I leaned over so I could actually hear her over the loud music blasting through the room.

"He is hot." She practically screamed in my ear, "Could you do me a favor and get me his number?"

It was hard for me not to burst into laughter right then and there. Glancing over my shoulder I observed the amazing Brandon, wanting to see what many women before me saw in him. Brandon was tall, had a nice athletic built and a smile which Prince Charming would be jealous of. But that was just the exterior, what I saw wasn't a drop dead gorgeous man who could make women's panties drop just by smiling at them. I saw a man who knew he was drop dead gorgeous and used it to his advantage. He never apologized for his behavior, he lived his life to the fullest. Not getting too attached to anyone because life was too short to waste it on a monogamous lifestyle. Knowing all that I could never see what other women saw in him. He was an amazing friend but a horrible lover. Relationships were not something he did, at this time I doubted he even knew how to maintain one.

Turning back to the blonde I shook my head at her, "Sorry, I'm not allowed to do that. Work policy, but you know, you can ask him for his number after his shift is over."

She reached for her drink and smirked, "I'll do that." The flirtatious look she threw Brandon didn't leave anything to my imagination. If they did meet up after his shift there was no doubt about what they would be doing tonight.

I raised an eyebrow at Brandon when I recognized the look in his eyes. Those two were definitely meeting after his shift. Knowing and actually witnessing your best friend being a playboy was something else. Trying to brush it off I focused back on the customers, trying not to mess up their orders. Brandon who walked past me gave my arm a light squeeze. He froze beside me, his eyes scanning the crowd which worried me.

"What's wrong?"

He narrowed his eyes at something, following his gaze I noticed Victor, our club manager, heading toward us. His look even more alarming than Brandon's. Something was definitely up. Victor walked around the bar and stood behind us, his eyes doing a quick scan from head to toe.

"Victor?" Brandon turned around to face the worried looking club manager.

"He is coming over tonight."

Now Victor was simply scaring me. When in horror movies one of the characters whispered that it was always bad news. It meant someone was going to die tonight. I was pretty sure no one was going to get brutally murdered tonight but something bad WAS going to happen tonight.

"Who?" Brandon asked confused, ignoring all the people who were surrounding the bar waiting for their drink to be served.

"The owner."

Those two words made actual shivers run down my spine. Glancing aside I noticed Brandon was not doing any better but unlike me, he handled the situation better. He composed himself and quickly straightened his uniform, running his hand through his hair to fix that as much as possible as well. When he was satisfied with his appearance he turned to look at me.

"We both look good." He mumbled and turned around to go back to his task, "At least he can't complain about our attire. We're dressed properly."

"That aside you two also need to be on your best behavior." I noticed how Victor focused on me when he said that, ignoring Brandon completely, "I'm serious about that, you two, last time that man visited the club he fired one of the employees because he opened his mouth at the wrong time."

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