Chapter 5 - Dinner and a Movie

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Tonight I had another shift so Brandon was hovering, he tried to subtle about it but he failed miserably. I didn't pay him much attention though, I was more focused on my cell phone. In fact, I was obsessed with it, checking it every damn minute, hoping Nicolas Woods sent me a message. Sent me anything really. It was getting pathetic and unhealthy. It also made me wonder if Brandon was right about that guy, maybe he was toying with me. Loving the chase, but now that he pinpointed where I was standing, he was no longer interested.

"Anything changed in the past minute?" Brandon asked sarcastically, moving past me while he dropped his bag in his locker.

"Shut up."

Brandon ran his fingers through his hair, quickly fixing it while his eyes were on me, "Don't be that girl."

"What girl?"

I knew what he was talking about. The sad girl everyone felt sorry for because the hot guy who obviously messed around with her was no longer showing up. He was done with her. Therefore everyone around her looked at her with pity in her eyes. Yet THAT girl kept holding on. I was definitely being that girl right now.

"You know." He told me quietly.

I knew very well. Wouldn't admit that to him though. Not in a million years, my pride wouldn't let me.

"Your hair needs another layer of mousse," I told him snidely I pocketed my phone.

Brandon's lips curled up into a smirk as he buttoned up his white crisp shirt and straightened the color. He stopped commenting on my behavior which was appreciated. He didn't have to say more, the message came across crystal clear.

"Promise me."

I sat on the bench in front of our lockers staring at him as he morphed into the charming blonde bartender all the drunk women were crushing on.


"Don't lose your mind over him. If he's done, you're done too. His loss really, you're a catch."

This time it was me who was smirking, "Stop being so damn perfect."

"Can't help it, Em."

I chuckled, "Because you were born perfect?"

He slammed his locker shut and turned to look at me, giving me his full Hollywood smile, "No one is born perfect, Em. It takes lots of time and effort to improve yourself, but no one will ever reach the state of being perfect. Because humans are simply flawed."

I smiled, "So you are capable of having an actual conversation with a woman."

Throwing me a glare he moved to the door and reached for the doorknob, stopping in his tracks to look at me over his shoulder, "See you in a bit, get yourself together first."

Nodding I looked away again, staring at the lockers in front of me. Taking a deep breath I let all the stress I had over Nick not contacting me leave my body and reminded myself of Brandon's words. Wise words for someone who always joked around. If he was done, I was done too. I couldn't become that girl.

Grabbing my nametag I placed it on, straightening my white button up shirt as well. Walking up to the tall mirror near the bathroom I fixed my hair and ran my hands over my uniform. Making sure it was straight, no wrinkles allowed. My head might be a mess right now, my appearance wouldn't be. Taking another deep breath I actually felt all the tension leave my body, feeling a lot lighter. Feeling better about myself I walked out of the employees' room, smacking right into a brick wall known as Evan Black. Nick's business associate, best friend and also his rival.

Evan placed his hands on my shoulders to steady me, flashing me his panty-dropping smirk, "Hi there, beautiful. Fancy running into you here."

"I am an employee here." I told him, pointing behind me, "And this is the employees' room, so you know, the chance was pretty high of us running into each other."

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