Chapter 4 - Fairytale magic

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After several busy weeks of exams and papers, I finally managed to schedule a relaxing day together with Brandon. The blonde annoyance was splayed on his couch, a hand resting on his stomach while the other dangled off the couch, occasionally reaching for my hair to give it a yank. Brandon just loved being an annoyance. I was seated on the floor, eating chocolate like it would disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow. Brandon gave my hair another yank when I reached for another piece of chocolate.

"You're going to regret it tomorrow." He warned me.

"I'll deal with it tomorrow." I popped the piece of chocolate in my mouth, crumpled the paper and rubbed the back of my head, "Stop pulling my hair every damn second!"

Leaning back against the couch I focused back on the screen, watching the heroic female lead hide in the bathroom while the intruder walked around her darkened house. I held my breath as the intruder nearly found her hiding place. My heart was beating insanely fast as the intruder walked back in the room and stared at her hiding spot as if he was trying to see through the closed door of the closet to make sure if she was there or not. I covered my mouth when he was stepping closer and closer to the closet, making me fear for the female lead's life. As he was about to open the door my phone rang loudly, echoing through the room which scared the crap out of me, but I think also Brandon because he cursed loudly.

"Damn it!"

"Sorry," I muttered, reaching for my phone which was on the coffee table in front of me.

Brandon paused the movie and left the room to head to the bathroom.

My heart skipped a beat when my eyes landed on the display of my phone. Nicolas Woods was calling me. He was the last person I thought who'd bother me on my free day. Not wanting to stall a second longer because Brandon wouldn't be locked up in the bathroom for much longer I answered the phone.

"Emily Pierce."

"Good afternoon, Emily Pierce." I could hear the amusement in his voice, "Quick question, do you have plans for the rest of the afternoon?"

At least he was somewhat polite today, maybe he was in a good mood. Who knows.

"I have a day off today."

"That doesn't answer my question now does it?"

"I'm watching a movie together with Brandon today. Why?"

It took him a second before he responded, it made me wonder if something had been up with our connection, but I didn't dare to ask him that. If it wasn't that, it meant that he was annoyed by the fact that I was spending the day with Brandon. I didn't want to think about what that even meant. It was too confusing.

"Instead of spending the day with Brandon which you do quite often I assume, come to meet me at the location which I'll text you in a minute."

I had no time to respond because he ended the call like that. I was very well aware of the fact that he did it on purpose. Not wanting to be a jerk and let him wait for me I got up once I heard the ping which told me I had a new text and collected my things. Brandon stood in the doorway, confused by the fact that I was shrugging my jacket on and pushing the strap of my bag higher upon my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused, "The movie isn't finished yet."

"I know that, but I forgot I have an appointment today." I semi lied, I did have an appointment. But I made it like a second ago. Brandon didn't need to know that.

"That doesn't sound like you, you usually have your shit together." He stepped aside so I could walk past him to head to the front door, "It's a school thing?"

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