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Same Day

They were walking in the park and Aicha sits on the swings swinging and he sits on the swing as well looking at her.

Jacob: ... I see you
She looks at him

Jacob: I see that your hurting and I wanna help you, but you have to help me help you. I know something happened to you in your past and it's making you have nightmares. I don't think your crazy or anti social or weird, I don't even think you belong in the mental hospital. You've been through a lot and your showing it through your silence but no one seems to understand right?

Aicha: ...
She nods

Jacob: They couldn't figure out what was wrong with you so they put you in a mental hospital and said you was out of your mind! But your not, your normal, your not like the rest of us. You don't have to speak for me to know what's wrong with you.

She sighs

Jacob: Lets go back to the hotel
He gets up sticking his hand out she takes it smiling as the walk back to the hotel hand in hand

Back At The Hotel

Aicha takes out her diary looking at it. She goes to Jacobs room knocking on the door, he opens it and she hands him the diary.

Jacob: This is your diary?
She nods
Jacob: You sure you want me to read it?
She nods
Jacob: Come in

She shakes her head no walking back to her room he close the door sitting on the bed opening the diary reading it

People wonder why I don't talk, but the truth is, I stopped talking when that gun went off. He killed my mother but what he doesn't know is that he killed me too. When she died everything was taken away from me so I took away the sound of my voice and what hurts the most is that no one cared.

Today is the first day I'm with my foster care family, and I hate it! The foster care dad is horrible, he's so mean to me and everyone else in the house. I want to leave but I have no where to go.

Everything is falling apart I want my life to end but I'll be strong because I know out of all of the bad things that's happened to me, something good is bound to happen so I'll be patient with life, just as long life is patient with me.

He beats me everyday when I come home from school. I have bruises all over my body because of him. I'm scared to go to school because they ask me what happened to my face. I've done nothing wrong to upset this man that hits me, he says he beats me because I resemble my mother, but if that's the case then I don't want to look like my mother at all. He calls my mother a slut and says I will grow up to be just like her, he says it so much that I'm starting to believe him.

The kids bully me in school a lot because they think I can't talk, but what people don't understand is that any idiot can talk but it's the silence that says a thousand words.

... My mother broke my heart, the guy who killed my mother broke my spirit, the guy who raped me broke my soul.

They took me to a mental institution because they think something is wrong with me but they never stopped to think what's wrong with this world. It's not always the person whose lost their mind but it's the people around them whose not normal. But this is better than being in that house, its better than anything. The woman name ms Shella is nice, she takes good care of me as far as I'm concerned she's the only person that actually cares about me in my whole life. The people in here are mean to me as well, especially Indya. I've never done nothing to her but I'm starting to realize I'm not the one she's mad at she's mad at the world and takes it out on me, but if that makes her feel better then by all means she can do whatever she wants to me I don't care anymore.

There's this new guy that came today, he's really cute. I've never had these type of feelings for anyone in my life I never even had my first kiss.

I look at him, he looks at me and I feel this sense of hope. I don't smile, but when I see him a smile comes across my face and I don't know why, he's just every thing a girl would want. He's so nice while everyone else is mean to me, he actually wants to know me even though I can't talk I feel like we have a conversation. I don't talk but for him I'll say anything. I think this is the good thing I've been waiting for all my life.

He closes the her diary sighing, when Roc opens the door walking in.

Roc: There you are! Where were ya?
Jacob: Oh me and Aicha went out for a walk
Roc: A walk huh?
Jacob: Yeah
Roc: You guys are getting pretty close, but I think it's good maybe you could get her to talk.
Jacob: Yeah, uh can you do me a favor?
Roc: Yeah sure

Jacob: Can you tell the girls to be a little nicer to Aicha, she's been through a lot and we should all be a little considerate of her feelings

Roc: Yeah sure, no problem. I'll talk to them right now

He leaves the room and he gets up going to Aicha's room knocking on the door, she opens it and he walks in closing the door.

Jacob: ... This is heavy stuff you wrote in here.
I would say I'm sorry but you'll probably ask for what? If I was you I wouldn't talk either. And I'm not gonna force you to talk either. I'm really sorry, about everything and if you give me the name of this guy that was hitting you and the name of the guy that raped you I promise I will find them and kill them each. I'll make sure they feel the pain you've felt!

He gets closer to her

Jacob: Give me the name Aicha

She looks on the desk, starts writing something on the paper and gives it to him

If you kill them you'll be just like them, you'll be the same monster they are. It doesn't matter anymore I've moved on with my life. I'm ok now I promise

He looks at her and nods
Jacob: Ok, but if you change your mind just know I'll do it

She nods and he hugs her tightly then walks out the room

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