Cheating Is Not Who You Are

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Next Day
Jacob has been ignoring talking to Aicha, she notices his silence writes on the paper giving it to him

"Why you so quite?"

Jacob: ... Nothing
"Are you mad at me about something?
Jacob: ... No Aicha, I'm just not in the mood today
Aicha: ...
She nods walking out the room going to the lobby

Later That Day
They were at the mall walking around shopping, and Aicha notices Indya and Jacob getting closer talking.

Jacob: Indya stop it! Not while she's here!
Indya: Who cares?!
Jacob: I care, if she finds out she's gonna get hurt
Indya: She's not gonna find out don't worry
Jacob: Just stay far away from me
Indya: Then she will find out! I will tell her if you don't give me what I want!
Jacob: Lower your fucking voice! Just leave me alone and if you tell Aicha I will hurt you
Indya: Yeah I'm so scared
She said sarcastically and he walks away

Jacob hasn't talked to Aicha all day because he was afraid of facing her. Aicha was in the room by herself when Tabatha came in the room closing the door, Aicha looks at her.

Tabatha: Listen, I'm not here to torment you but I just wanted to ask you a question.
She nods
Tabatha: Do you really think Jacob loves you?
Aicha nods

Tabatha: I see the way you look at him and I can your love is real, but Jacob is schizophrenic he can not love anyone he can't even love himself. Everything is in his head he thinks he's in love with you but he's not and one day he's going to hurt you really bad. I just wanted to let you know before anything.

She nods and Tabatha walks out the room

With Jacob
Roc: What's up with you? Why you so quite today?
Jacob: ... I did something really bad
Chris: Can't be that bad
Jacob: ... I slept with Indya yesterday
Ray: Oh nigga you don't fucked up!
Mike: Why would you have sex with her?

Jacob: I don't know, she was talking to me one thing led to another and we just did. And now she won't leave me alone and she might tell Aicha

EJ: Then tell Aicha yourself
Jacob looks at him
Jacob: That's the advice your going to give me right now?
EJ: It's better than her finding out from someone else

Roc: I say don't tell her, even if you do what is she going to say. Worst case scenario y'all break up

Jacob: It's not that simple
Chris: Why?
Jacob: Because she's pregnant!
Ray: I knew it! Give me my money!
He said looking at Mike

Roc: Then you definitely shouldn't tell her! Just leave everything the way it is
Jacob: What about Indya?
Chris: I'll try pushing up on her to keep her mind off you
Jacob: Ok

With Aicha
Aicha was in the room playing with her UNO cards when Jacob walks in, he looks at her and she looks at him

Jacob: ... Do you wanna go for a walk?
She shakes her head no
Jacob: What do you wanna do?

She picks up one of the UNO cards showing him he sits next to her on the bed picking up seven cards.

Jacob: You know I'll never hurt you right?
She looks at him and nods
Jacob: I love you with all my heart
She nods smiling he kiss her cheek and hugs her

Few Days Later

Indya: What do you want Chris?!
Chris: Lemme talk to you for a minute
Indya: About what?!
Chris: Just let me talk to you real quick
He said pulling her into his room

With Aicha
Jacob: Your starting to show a little bit
He said smiling she smiles touching her stomach
Jacob: You look so beautiful
She smiles shaking her head
Jacob: Our baby is gonna look like you
She laughs

Later That Day
Aicha was out with Tabatha and Winter getting their nails done Jacob was in his room watching Tv when Indya walks in

Jacob: Oh god, what do you want?!
Indya: You know what I want
Jacob: Indya pleas I'm begging you, don't make this complicated then it already is

Indya: Make what complicated?! So you think you was gonna sleep with me and never talk to me ever again! What kind of girl do you think I am?!

He gets up from the bed

Jacob: Get out of my room Indya!
Indya: No!
Jacob: I need you to stop! You and I will never be together!!! Never!!!

Aicha walks in the room smiling and he smile goes down seeing Indya
Indya: Aicha, I think Jacob wants to tell you something

She looks at Jacob smiling and he sighs shaking his head when the boys and the girls walks in

Chris: We bout to go get something to eat
He looks at all three of them
Chris: Oh shit
Ray: I think we walked in at the wrong time
Indya: Go ahead Jacob tell your "girlfriend"!
Roc: Indya
Indya: Shut Up Roc!
Winter: What's going on?
Indya: You bout to find out don't worry
Mike: I'm hungry who else?!
Indya: You have five seconds Jacob!
Jacob: ... Aicha ...
He said looking at her apologetically
Indya: Me and Jacob had sex a few days ago! And it was good, no wonder your glued to him!

Aicha looks at Jacob waiting for him it wasn't true he looks at her as his face turns red

Jacob: I'm really sorry
Indya: Well now that's out we can go now

She said walking out the room, Aicha looks at him with tears in her eyes

Jacob: Aicha I'm really sorry
She walks up to him and slaps him, Tabatha and Winter gasp, Jacob stands there not doing anything and she slaps him again and starts hitting his chest bursting into tears as Chris grabs her pulling her away Jacob sighs

Jacob: She's never gonna forgive me
Mike: Yes she is, eventually

Roc: Just give her sometime, but in the meantime I think you should get another room and give her some space

Jacob: Ok
He grabs some of his things leaving the room

With Aicha
Aicha was crying hysterically while Chris was hugging her
Chris: It's ok Aicha, he didn't mean it
Tabatha comes out

Tabatha: Let me talk to her, you guys can go out I'll stay with her
Chris: And why should I trust you to stay with her
Tabatha: I'm not gonna do anything to her, I promise!
Chris: Ok
He leaves

Tabatha: Aicha come, lets go to my room

They go to Tabatha's room and she gives Aicha a warm wet tissue to clean her face

Tabatha: I don't wanna say I told you so but I told you so. Jacob is very charming but he's also a son of a bitch just like the rest of the boys.

Aicha wipes her tears as she kept crying
Tabatha: It's ok Aicha there's a lot of guys out there that will love you
Aicha shakes her head no

Tabatha: I mean it'll be hard finding the guy that accepts you like Jacob and that understands you like he does but there's a lot of guys out there and your young

Aicha puts her hand on her stomach and Tabatha looks down at her stomach

Tabatha: Your pregnant?!
She nods
Tabatha: Oh god! That makes everything even harder! Does he know?!
She nods
Tabatha: And he still cheated?!
Aicha burst into tears, Tabatha sighs and hugs her
Tabatha: It's ok, everything will be fine

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